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English to Indonesian

Search Query: smooth

Best translation match:
English Indonesian

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English Indonesian
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Probably related with:
English Indonesian
lancar; licin; kelancaran; mulus; halus; yang mulus; yang licin; lembut; merata; mulus itu;
meluweskan; melicinkan; lancap; klimis; angler;

May be synonymous with:
English English
smooth; smoothen
make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing Click for more details!
smooth; polish; shine; smoothen
make (a surface) shine Click for more details!
smooth; smooth out
free from obstructions Click for more details!
smooth; bland; politic; suave
smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication Click for more details!
smooth; fluent; fluid; liquid
smooth and unconstrained in movement Click for more details!
smooth; legato
(music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected Click for more details!
smooth; placid; quiet; still; tranquil; unruffled
(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves Click for more details!
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z