Apa itu Sentence Modifier?
Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang Modifier? Apakah modifier itu?
Dalam bahasa Inggris, modifier (penjelas) adalah kata, frasa, atau klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan) yang menjelaskan tentang kata atau kelompok kata lain; sedangkan kata atau kelompok kata yang dijelaskan oleh modifier disebut dengan Head.
Modifier, atau yang bisa juga disebut sebagai classifier, berfungsi untuk menerangkan head yang berupa subjek, predikat, atau objek dalam sebuah kalimat. Fungsi modifier sebagai adjective digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun, sedangkan fungsi modifier sebagai adverb berfungsi untuk menerangkan verb, adjective, atau adverb lain.
Modifier sebagai Adjective
Sebagai adjective, modifier dapat berupa simple adjective, adjective phrase, clause, participle, atau infinitive.
1. Adjective modifying noun
- It was a dark and storm night.
(“dark” dan “strom” merupakan adjective yang menjelaskan noun “night”)
- There was a blue kite in the cloudy
(“blue” sebagai adjective yang menjelaskan noun “kite’, dan “cloudy” menjelaskan noun “sky”)
2. Adjective modifying pronoun
- She was happy with the decision.
(“happy” sebagai adjective yang menjelaskan pronoun “he”)
- They were tired after a hard day at work.
(“tired” sebagai adjective yang menjelaskan pronoun “they”)
Modifier sebagai Adverb
Sebagai adverb, modifier dapat berupa simple adverb, adverb phrase, clause, prepositional phrase atau infinitive.
1. Adverb modifying verb
- She breathes heavily.
(“heavily” sebagai adverb yang menjelaskan verb “breathes”)
- He often sees his father in his dreams.
(“often” sebagai adverb yang menjelaskan verb “sees”)
Verb | Adverb modifying verb |
He works on his own.
(Dia bekerja sendiri) |
He works efficiently on his own.
(Dia bekerja sendiri dengan efisien) |
They run to the hut
(Mereka berlari ke pondok) |
They run fast to the hut
(Mereka berlari ke pondok dengan cepat) |
2. Adverb modifying adjective
- He is really handsome.
(“really” sebagai adverb yang menerangkan adjective “handsome”)
- The water is warm enough to bathe in.
(“enough” sebagai adverb yang menerangkan adjective “warm”)
Adjective | Adverb modifying adjective |
I have been patient with him.
(Aku sudah bersabar padanya) |
I have been quite patient with him.
(Aku sudah sangat bersabar padanya) |
It was dark inside the room.
(Di dalam kamar itu gelap) |
It was completely dark inside the room.
(Di kamar itu sangat gelap) |
3. Adverb modifying adverb
- He whispers very softly in my ear.
(“very” sebagai adverb yang menerangkan adverb “softly”
- After her illness, she gets tired exceptionally easily.
(“exceptionally” sebagai adverb yang menerangkan adverb “easily”)
Adverb | Adverb modifying adverb |
He finished his homework quickly.
(Dia menyelesaikan PR nya dengan cepat) |
He finished his homework very quickly.
(Dia menyelesaikan PR nya denagn sangat cepat) |
4. Adverb modifying whole sentence
- Hopefully, they will come back in time.
(“hopefully” sebagai adverb yang menerangkan kalimat setelahnya (sebagai bentuk pengharapan))
Perhatikan pula contoh berikut
PARTICIPIAL PHRASE | She found a letter put inside her bag | Participial phrase (put inside her bag) berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan “letter” (noun).
“a letter put on my bag” secara utuh adalah sebuah noun phrase. |
ADVERB PHRASE | She sings so beautifully. | Adverb phrase (so beautifully) menerangkan “sings” (verb). Adapun adverb phrase dapat berupa adverb+qualifier, prepositional phrase, atau infinitive phrase. |
ADJECTIVE CLAUSE | The book that he has read is very interesting. | Adjective clause (that he has read) menerangkan “the book” (noun) |
ADVERB CLAUSE | When you were sleeping, Amanda left the house. | Adverb clause (when you were sleeping) menjawab pertanyaan: “When did Amanda left the house?” |
Latihan Soal
Adverbs as modifiers
Pick out the modifier and show which word it modifies.
1. She always interrupts when other people are speaking.
2. He suddenly left the group chat.
3. I write a letter to my grandmother
4. At their age, they are still collecting Barbies.
5. Perhaps, you’d like to join us for dinner?
6. He came rushing upstairs after his sister.
7. My brother only sees his high school mate occasionally.
Adjectives as modifiers
Pick out the modifier and show which word it modifies.
8. He tied blue and white ribbons round the birthday
9. For years, we drank white tea that had no caffeine.
10. If we are quick, there will be tickets available.
11. The video was short but inspiring.
12. This is the best dinner I have had.
13. The memory is hard to forget.
14. Pesticides are harmful to the environment.
1. She always interrupts when other people are speaking.
(“always” modifies the verb “interrupt” which tells how frequently She interrupts others.)
2. He suddenly left the group chat.
(“suddenly” modifies the verb “left”, telling us in what manner the guy left the group chat)
3. Ian writes a letter to my grandmother monthly.
(“monthly” modifies “write”. It tells us how often Ian writes a letter to her grandmother.)
4. At their age, they are still collecting Barbies.
(Using “still”, an adverb, to show they are still collecting Barbies when they are no longer young.)
5. Perhaps, you’d like to join us for dinner?
(“perhaps” expresses uncertainty or possibility, and it modifies the whole sentence.)
6. He came rushing upstairs after his sister.
(The word “upstairs” modifies “rushing”, and it lets us know where he was rushing to.)
7. My brother only sees his high school mate occasionally.
(The adverb “occasionally” modifies the verb “sees” to show that they meet irregularly.)
8. He tied blue and white ribbons round the birthday
(Both colors “blue” and “white” modify the noun “ribbons”.)
9. For years, we drank herbal tea that had no caffeine.
(The word “herbal” modifies and describes the noun “dog”.)
10. If we are quick, there will be tickets available.
(“quick” modifies the pronoun “we”, and “available” modifies “tickets”.)
11. The video was short but inspiring.
(“short” and “inspiring” modify the word “video”.)
12. This is the best dinner I have had.
(The adjective “best” describes the “dinner” as the best I have had.)
13. The memory is hard to forget.
(“hard” describes the difficulty in forgetting the memory.)
14. Pesticides are harmful to the environment.
(“harmful” modifies “pesticides”. It tells about the harm pesticides may cause to the environment.)
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