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Speaking TOEFL: Latihan Speaking TOEFL dalam 45 Detik

Kunci berhasil mendapat skor tes TOEFL adalah dengan banyak berlatih. Ya, fakta ini pasti sudah sangat sering kamu dengar. Tidak bosan-bosannya dalam artikel kali ini kamu akan belajar cara berbicara dan menyampaikan pendapat dalam waktu 45 detik. Anggap saja kamu sedang benar-benar menjawab speaking tes TOEFL dan melatih bagaimana cara memberikan respon yang baik.

Kali ini kamu akan berbicara dan menyampaikan pendapat. Ciri khas soalnya adalah kamu diberi dua pilihan posisi dan diminta memilih. Tentu saja saat memilih kamu juga harus menyampaikan argumen dan contoh yang menjadi latar belakang kamu berada di posisi tersebut.

Mari kita mulai dengan menyimak contoh format yang biasa ditemui:

  • Some people think A, but others think B. Which do you agree with?

Pertanyaan ini akan menghadapkan kamu pada dua pendapat yang bertentangan, dan kamu diminta untuk memilih pendapat mana yang kamu setujui.

  • Do you agree or disgree with the following statement?

Sama seperti contoh nomor 1, pertanyaan ini juga diberikan setelah kamu mendengar sebuah pernyataan. Hanya ada 2 pilihan yang menjadi dasar kamu menjawab, yaitu setuju atau tidak setuju.

Di bawah ini kamu bisa melihat beberapa contoh kalimat saat menjawab soal speaking tes TOEFL. Bila perlu rekam saat kamu berbicara untuk mengukur durasinya.

Saat mengerjakan tes sesungguhnya nanti, kamu akan memerlukan waktu 15 detik untuk merumuskan apa yang akan kamu sampaikan, serta 45 detik untuk benar-benar mulai berbicara. Itu adalah kunci agar bisa menyampaikan jawaban lengkap dalam waktu yang disediakan.

Tentu kamu tidak ingin kan, ide brilian kamu tidak tersampaikan dengan baik karena keterbatasan waktu? Baik, mari kita mulai menyimak beberapa contoh soalnya:

  1. Some people prefer to eat a large lunch, and then eat less food in the evening. Others prefer to eat more at dinner. Which do you prefer, and why?
  2. Studying vocabulary by memorizing definitions is not helpful for improving spoken communication. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Explain why.
  3. Some people prefer to live in places where the weather changes throughout the year, while other prefer to live in areas with stable temperatures. Which do you prefer, and why?
  4. It has recently become more common to watch videos and listen to songs over the internet, without owning them. Do you prefer to own videos and music or only access them through the internet, and why?
  5. Do you prefer to wake up earlier than needed in the mornings, or to sleep as late as possible? Explain your answer with reasons and examples.
  6. Owning books is important for studying effectively, so that you can mark the pages with notes or highlights. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Explain your opinion with reasons and examples.
  7. Some students take many breaks while they study, but spend more time in the day on their studies. Others study for longer without breaks, but finish earlier. Which do you prefer, and why?
  8. Students in their final year at a university or college should be allowed to take any classes they choose, because they will not have the same opportunity after graduation. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Explain your opinions with reasons and examples.
  9. In some countries, students choose their majors before being accepted into higher education programs (colleges or universities). In other school systems, students choose their majors after they have started their studies. Which do you think is preferable, and why?
  10. It is now possible to do all reading for classes on computers or screens on other technological devices, such as smartphones or e-readers. Do you prefer to study on using these electronic devices or with printed paper? Explain your answer with details and examples.
  11. At some universities, students are able to arrange their classes such that they have free days with no classes to attend. In other universities, students go to classes each day from Monday to Friday. Which do you think is preferable, and why?
  12. Students learn more from smaller classes in which they can be more personally involved. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Explain your answer with details and examples.
  13. Some universities encourage students to take classes from various areas, including science, literature, and arts. Do you think this is preferable to taking only classes that are directly related to students’ majors? Why or why not?
  14. Today, many university lectures can be viewed through videos on the internet, although students still go to live classes to hear the professor speak. Which do you think is a better choice? Explain why.
  15. When in a new city, some people prefer to pay for faster transportation, such as buses or taxis, but others prefer to walk wherever possible. Which do you prefer, and why?

Jika kamu menganalisis 15 contoh pertanyaan sesi speaking di atas, benang merah yang bisa diambil adalah pertanyaan yang selalu sama. Hanya dengan pilihan kata yang berbeda, intinya kamu diminta untuk memilih lengkap dengan alasan dan contoh konkretnya.

Melihat pertanyaannya yang simple, maka kemaslah jawaban kamu dengan jelas dan sederhana pula. Make it concise. Tidak akan ada penilai yang ingin mendengarkan jawaban terlalu panjang atau bertele-tele dalam sesi tanya jawab pendapat speaking tes TOEFL.

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z