Contoh Soal Listening TOEFL: Animals
Contoh Soal Listening Comprehension about Animals
Bisa dibilang topik tentang animals atau dunia binatang adalah salah satu yang paling sering muncul dalam soal tes TOEFL.
Berikut ini telah kami kumpulkan beberapa contoh soal listening comprehension lengkap dengan ulasan jawabannya yang mengangkat seputar dunia fauna. Selamat berlatih!
Dalam bagian tes listening comprehension kali ini, akan diperdengarkan beberapa percakapan.
Di setiap akhir percakapan, akan ada pertanyaan yang terkait dengan informasi dari audio. Baik pertanyaan maupun percakapan tidak akan diputar ulang.
Setelah mendengar pertanyaan, baca kemungkinan jawaban yang ada dan pilih yang sekiranya paling tepat.
Listen to a talk about animal behavior yang dibacakan oleh seorang perempuan mengenai fenomena menguap pada binatang.
“Today’s discussion is about a common animal reaction – the yawn.
The dictionary defines a yawn as “an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom.”
That’s certainly true for human yawns, but not necessarily for animal yawns.
The same action can have quite different meanings in different species.
For example, some animals yawn to intimidate intruders on their territory.
Fish and lizards are examples of this. Hippos use yawns when they want to settle a quarrel.
Observers have seen two hippos yawn at each other for as long as two hours before they stop quarreling.
As for social animals like baboons or lions – they yawn to establish the pecking order within social groups, and lions often yawn to calm social tensions.
Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly physiological reason – that is, to increase oxygen levels.
And curiously enough, when they yawn for a physical reason like that, they do what humans do – they try to stifle the yawn by looking away or by covering their mouths.”
Pertanyaan 1: What is the speaker’s main point?
Pilihan jawaban:
A. Animals yawn for a number of reasons.
B. Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom.
C. Human yawns are the same as those of other animals.
D. Only social animals yawn.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) karena dalam percakapan di atas dijelaskan beberapa contoh sebab-akibat yang berbeda pada hewan dari berbagai spesies saat mereka menguap atau yawning.
Pertanyaan 2: According to the speaker, when are hippos likely to yawn?
Pilihan jawaban:
A. When they are swimming.
B .When they are quarreling.
C. When they are socializing.
D. When they are eating.
Penjelasan dari pertanyaan kedua ini terdapat di paragraf 2. Diceritakan pengamatan 2 ekor kuda nil yang menguap selama 2 jam saat sedang bertengkar, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah (B).
Pertanyaan 3: What physiological reason for yawning is mentioned?
Pilihan jawaban:
A. To exercise the jaw muscles.
B To eliminate fatigue.
C. To get greater strength for attacking.
B. To gain more oxygen.
Penjelasan ada di bagian akhir narasi, bahwa alasan fisiologis hewan menguap adalah untuk menambah level oksigen dalam tubuh, yaitu jawaban (D).
Soal selanjutnya adalah tentang spesies burung yang dipaparkan oleh seorang profesor pada saat kelas biologi. Simak rekamannya dan jawab pertanyaan di bawahnya dengan tepat.
Listen to a professor talking in a biology class.
“Last class we looked at the nests of various species of birds. Today I want to look at some species of birds that don’t build their own nests.
These are called parasite birds. As you remember, a parasite is an organism that lives off of another organism.
So these birds lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species and let the other birds raise their young.
One type of parasite bird is the cowbird. The cowbird is what we call a generalized parasite because it will lay its eggs in any available nest.
The cowbird eggs hatch sooner than other eggs in the nest.
Because the cowbird eggs hatch first, and because cowbird chicks are larger than most other baby birds, they’re better able to compete for food.
Since the young cowbirds get more food, they have a better chance of survival than the other chicks do.”
Now listen to the questions.
Pertanyaan 1: What is the talk mainly about?
Pilihan jawaban:
A. A bird that lays its eggs in other birds’ nests.
B. How different birds’ eggs are formed.
C. How cowbirds build their nests.
D. Feeding habits of cowbirds.
Profesor dalam rekaman audio di atas menjelaskan tentang burung parasit yang menumpang di sarang burung lain, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah (A).
Pertanyaan 2: What does the professor say about cowbirds’ eggs?
A. They are smaller than other birds’ eggs.
B. They are more colourful than other birds’ eggs.
C. They break more easily than other birds’ eggs.
D. They hatch sooner than other birds’ eggs.
Penjelasan tentang cowbirds’ eggs ada pada bagian akhir rekaman audio, saat profesor menjelaskan ciri-ciri dari cowbirds, salah satunya adalah lebih cepat menetas dibandingkan dengan telur burung lain seperti yang tercantum dalam pilihan jawaban (D).
Itu tadi beberapa contoh soal dan jawaban seputar dunia fauna yang kerap muncul dalam tes TOEFL ITP. Lewat latihan yang semakin sering, maka akan semakin terbiasa dengan artikel dalam bentuk apapun dan pemahaman akan pola pertanyaan juga kian terasah.
Untuk contoh soal lainnya bisa mengunjungi halaman TOEFL berikut!