Contoh Soal TOEFL Reading Comprehension: Transportation
Bagian reading comprehension didesain untuk mengukur kemampuan membaca dan memahami artikel singkat dalam topik yang serupa dengan bahan bacaan di kampus dan sekolah.
Kamu akan diminta untuk menjawab beberapa narasi singkat dalam subjek akademis. Tiap artikel akan diikuti beberapa pertanyaan terkait.
Agar adil bagi semua murid dari beragam latar belakang jurusan, konteks dibuat cukup jelas sehingga tidak harus terpaku pada pemahaman masing-masing yang spesifik tentang sebuah topik.
Pada section reading comprehension, kamu akan diberikan beberapa artikel. Tiap artikel diikuti pertanyaan dan pilihlah satu jawaban yang tepat mulai dari (A), (B), (C), hingga (D).
Tentukan jawaban yang terkait dengan informasi dalam artikel berdasarkan yang benar-benar tersurat (stated) atau tersirat (implied).
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise timekeeping.
For as long as merchants have set out their wares at daybreak and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of day.
The value of this tradition is today more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic: the massive daily transfers of goods, services, and information would proceed in fits and starts; the very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
Pilihan jawaban:
a. In modern society we must take more time for our neighbors.
b. The traditions of society are timeless.
c. An accepted way of measuring time is essential for the smooth functioning of society.
d. Society judges people by the times at which they conduct certain activities.
Artikel di atas membahas tentang bagaimana kacaunya kehidupan sehari-hari jika tidak ada konsensus tentang pengukuran waktu yang disepakati bersama, seperti yang tertera dalam jawaban (C).
2. The phrase “this tradition” in the third sentence refers to?
Pilihan jawaban:
a. The practice of starting the business day at dawn.
b. Friendly relations between neighbors.
c. The railroad’s reliance on time schedules.
d. People’s agreement on the measurement of time.
Kata “tradition” mengacu pada 2 hal utama, yaitu sistem kerja pergudangan dan toleransi selebrasi antar-kehidupan bertetangga, yang tertera dalam kalimat “people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of day” sehingga bisa disimpulkan kata “tradition” mengacu pada kesepakatan tentang pengukuran waktu (D).
Latihan reading comprehension berikutnya mengangkat tema tentang “solar road”. Mari kita mulai:
Solar is popping up just about everywhere, even landfills and parka pockets. So why not roads? The Netherlands built the first solar road, a bike path, in 2014.
France announced a bolder move in January—over the next five years, it plans to install 1,000 kilometers of solar roads, designed to supply power to five million people.
That’s not all. Idaho-based Solar Roadways has received three rounds of U.S. government funding with an additional $2 million in venture capital to test its technology.
The tempered-glass panels offer asphalt-like traction, support the weight of semi-trucks, include LEDs for signage, and contain heating elements to melt snow and ice.
Could solar panels really pave the roads of the future? Proponents see endless possibilities, but others raise questions about cost, efficiency, and durability.
The sheer amount of surfaces each country devotes to roadways is enormous.
Allowing this space to double as a solar farm could have very positive implications in the battle to put a halt to climate change.
They estimate that their panels, if used in lieu of existing U.S. roads and walkways, could produce more than three times the electricity used in the United States.
Besides, they say their panels could charge electric vehicles, first on solar parking lots.
With enough solar highways and cars with the right equipment (to pick up energy from induction plates in the road) they might even be able to charge vehicles while moving.
“Aside from road dust, particularly black tire dust and diesel exhaust, which will quickly cover a portion of each panel, the continuous traffic covering panels will reduce their solar output,” says Jacobson, adding they’ll likely suffer more wear and tear and need more repairs than other solar panels.
Despite high costs, company chairman Peter Harrop says solar roads might work in places that are putting down roads for the first time. “They need early technology adopters like China that want to leapfrog in development.”
1. What is the main subject of the passage?
Pilihan jawaban:
a. bike paths
b. solar panels
c. solar roads
d. chinese interstate systems
Sejak awal paragraf hingga akhir, bahasan yang selalu menjadi fokus adalah tentang “solar roads”, sementara pilihan jawaban lain tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah (C).
2. In line 2, the author uses the expression “That’s not all” to indicate that?
Pilihan jawaban:
a. The Netherlands was the only country involved
b. France and the Netherlands worked together
c. He has no futher examples
d. France and the Netherlands aren’t the only ones who have integrated solar roads
Jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) karena disebutkan bahwa negara yang terintegrasi dengan solar roads bukan hanya Perancis dan Belanda saja.
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “rounds” in line 3?
Pilihan jawaban:
a. ammunition
b. times
c. circles
d. praise
Jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) karena mengacu pada kalimat 3 putaran pendanaan pada momen yang berbeda-beda.
4. The word “proponents” in line 5 refers to:
Pilihan jawaban:
a. foe
b. detractor
c. enemies
d. advocates
Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (D) karena “proponents” adalah pihak yang berdebat untuk memperjuangkan sebuah kasus layaknya seorang advokat.
5. According to the passage, what would happen if all US roadways and sidewalks became solar?
Pilihan jawaban:
a. The US would triple its electricity production
b. Americans would use three times as much electricity as they do today
c. American electricity companies would lose 33% of their profits
d. The US would charge customers triple to use the road systems
(A) merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat karena berdasarkan estimasi, jika panel solar digunakan di jalanan AS, maka kelistrikan yang diperlukan mencapai tiga kali lipat.
Itu tadi latihan reading comprehension tentang inovasi pengukuran waktu dan jalanan solar. Teruslah berlatih dari hal-hal yang ada di sekitar untuk membantu kamu menguasai tes TOEFL ITP.