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English Idiom: Idiom tentang Patah Hati

Berikut adalah daftar idiom atau ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan patah hati, sekaligus tentang hubungan yang sedang mengalami masalah dan dapat berujung dengan patah hati. Nah, mari langsung saja kita simak sekaligus perhatikan contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat.

1. Heartbroken

Merujuk pada kesedihan saat putus cinta, serasa seperti hati yang patah.

I was so heartbroken when he left, but then I wiped my tears and stood back up again. No man, no cry.

2. Break someone’s heart

Menyebabkan orang lain merasa sakit atau patah hati.

He said he didn’t mean to break my heart, but I don’t believe him. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing when he cheated on me.

3. Reduce to tears

Merujuk pada sesuatu yang membuat seseorang sedih hingga menangis.

Any kind of broken relationship story can reduce her to tears. That’s how sensiive he is.

4. Unrequited love

Cinta yang tak berbalas atau bertepuk sebelah tangan.

There is no sadder thing in this world than an unrequited love. Knowing that somebody just doesn’t love you back the way you love them.

5. To call it a day

Sepakat bahwa suatu hubungan romantis yang sedang dijalani sudah berakhir.

We decide to call it a day. It’s what’s best for the both of us. There’s no need to drag on a relationship where two people in it just don’t love each other anymore.

6. Cry one’s eyes out

Menangis menderu dalam kurun waktu yang lama.

I never saw a man cries his eyes out before. So imagine how heartbreaking it is to see my own father did that when my mother left.

7. Break up

Mengakhiri suatu hubungan romantis dengan seseorang.

She’s never been more relieved when he broke up with her. She’s been meaning to do that herself but never found the right time or way to tell him.

8. Open old wounds

Mengingat kembali hal-hal, kejadian, bahkan pertengkaran di masa lalu yang membuat sedih.

We tend to not talk about it since everything spoken will open old wounds.

9. One’s heart sinks

Hati yang “tenggelam” merujuk pada saat-saat di mana seseorang mengetahui hal buruk yang terjadi.

My heart sank when I heard she called someone else, “Baby,”.

10. Dump someone

Mengakhiri suatu hubungan romantis dengan seseorang.

You’re a cold-hearted bastard. You cannot just dump her that way. She’s the mother of your child.

11. On the rocks

Menggambarkan hubungan yang sedang mengalami guncangan, sedang tidak berjalan mulus akibat banyak pertengkaran.

We were on the rocks and tried so hard to mend what’s broken in our marriage. The key is that we tried. No matter what’s the outcome.

12. Two-time somebody

Memiliki hubungan dengan dua orang sekaligus pada waktu yang bersamaan alias berselingkuh.

Tim is two-timing his girlfriend with a girl he just met at the bar. It’s been going on for a while now.

13. Love-hate relationship

Hubungan di mana orang yang terlibat merasakan cinta sekaligus kebencian antara satu sama lain.

We have a love-hate relationshp where I can’t tell which one weighs the most. Sometimes I love him, but most of the time I think I hate him, too.

14. Stormy relationship

Hubungan yang memiliki banyak pertengkaran dan perdebatan antara kedua orang di dalamnya.

It’s fine to have a stormy relationship. You what they say, there’s always rainbow after every storm.

15. Go to pieces

Mengalami kekalutan batin atau emosi.

She went to pieces when he told her that he want to break up. She thought everything was going well between them, but he didn’t think so.

16. Patch up a relationship

Memperbaiki hubungan yang sedang tidak berjalan atau dalam kondisi baik.

Nina is trying to patch up her marriage. I know she is. And deservedly so since she’s the one who messed things up by leaving her husband and their kids in the first place.

17. To have blazing rows

Bertengkar hebat.

We had a blazing rows the other nights and now he’s sleeping in his best friend’s house.

18. Can’t stand the sight of someone

Tidak suka, tidak tahan atau kesal bila melihat seseorang.

I can’t stand the sight of him. I just want to punch him on the face knowing that he tried to kiss my wife not once, but twice.

19. To go through a rough patch

Hubungan romantis yang sedang mengalami kesulitan, segala sesuatunya sedang tidak berjalan dengan baik.

Lea and her partner are going through a rough patch at this moment. They keep each other at distance and are careful on not hitting each other’s button to make things even worse.

20. Love-rat

Lelaki yang mengkhianati kekasihnya.

He’s a love-rat and deserved to be dumped in any light of day.

21. Split up

Berpisah atau putus hubungan romantis dengan seseorang yang dikasihi.

Our split up is inevitable. We’ve been going through a rough patch for quite a while. I think it’s the best for both of us to not be together.

Meski kami berharap Anda tidak akan terlalu sering menggunakannya, semoga daftar idiom di atas dapat membantu Anda mengungkapkan rasa sedih karena patah hati dengan baik. Selamat belajar!

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z