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English Idiom: Idiom yang Mengandung Warna

Merah merona, putih melati, hijau daun, biru langit.

Beberapa idiom di atas merupakan idiom dalam bahasa Indonesia yang mengandung kata warna. Nah, dalam bahasa Inggris juga terdapat idiom serupa. Namun, apakah penggunaan dan artinya sama dengan apa yang biasa kita temui dalam bahasa Indonesia? Simak daftar berikut penjelasan dan contohnya berikut ini.

1. Off color

Nampak atau merasa tidak sehat.

As you can see, I’m a bit off color today. So I will make this lecture as short as possible because it will certainly be embarassing to throw up and collapse in front of my students.

2. Black sheep

Secara harfiah berarti kambing hitam dan memiliki arti yang sama dengan idiom kambing hitam dalam bahasa Indonesia, yakni dianggap sebagai seseorang yang berbeda, berperilaku buruk, dan membawa malu pada keluarga.

If anybody is the black sheep of this family, it probably is me. I’ve been nothing but a disappointment and embarassment to my parents since I was a kid.

3. Out of the blue


The car in front of me changed line out of the blue. Had I not been hitting the brake soon, we would have crashed.

4. White lie

Kebohongan yang dibuat dengan niat baik.

It doens’t matter what color is the lie. White lie is still a lie.

5. Black art

Ilmu hitam, guna-guna.

Rebecca must be the only intelligent and logical person I know who believes in black art and that baffles me so much.

6. Green fingers

Bertangan hijau, pandai dalam berkebun atau bercocok tanam.

Stephen’s got green fingers. Everything he plants and touches turn fertile.

7. Feel blue

Berarti merasa sedih.

It’s been two years since Grandma’s passing, but grandpa still feels blue every time we talk about her.

8. (To roll out the) Red carpet

Menggelar karpet merah berarti memberikan pelayanan khusus kepada orang yang dianggap penting.

Francis asked for a limousine and for us to roll out the red carpet when he arrives at the concert venue.

9. Caught red-handed

Merujuk pada seseorang yang terpergok saat melakukan tindakan yang salah atau ilegal.

The senator who took money as bribery just caught red-handed by the Corruption Eradication Commission this morning in his office.

10. Golden rule

Aturan atau prinsip yang paling penting untuk diingat saat melakukan sesuatu.

The golden rule of watching movies in the cinema theater is to turn off your phone and respect other movie goers.

11. Black mood

Merasa marah, mudah tersinggung dan tertekan.

I don’t think we should push her to sign the paper today. She’s in a black mood and our paper might not get approved at all.

12. Silver lining

Sisi baik atau positif dari situasi yang tidak menyenangkan; hikmah.

There’s always a silver lining on every situation. You just have to be able to see things through.

13. Green light

Mendapat green light berarti mendapat persetujuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.

The project got a green light from our supervisor and now we’re working on its realization.

14. In the pink of health

Berada dalam kondisi fisik atau kesehatan yang bagus.

Dad looks in the pink of health after being in the hospital for over a week for his prostate surgery.

15. Once in a blue moon

Sesuatu yang terjadi amat jarang.

Would you just come and have dinner with us tonight? Shelly is in town and we all know she only visits once in a blue moon.

16. Black tie event

Merujuk pada acara formal di mana para lelaki diharuskan mengenakan jas, tuksedo, dan dasi kupu-kupu hitam.

It’s written on the invitation that her wedding ceremony is a black tie event. So I guess I can’t simply wear some jeans and a sport jacket.

17. Blue in the face

Bila seseorang melakukan sesuatu hingga “wajahnya membiru”, berarti ia gagal mencapai sesuatu setelah mencoba melakukannya begitu lama.

I can try to explain it to you until I’m blue in the face, but I bet you still wouldn’t be able to understand.

18. Black market

Merujuk pada tempat jual-beli, pertukaran barang-barang atau mata uang yang ilegal.

The newest flagship phone Samsung isn’t sold here. If you want to have it, either you purchase it abroad or you buy it on the black market.

19. Silver-tongued

Merujuk pada seseorang yang pandai bicara, amat meyakinkan dan mampu mempersuasi orang lain untuk melakukan apa yang ia mau.

That guy talked my father to become a gym member. My father is so lazy, he doesn’t even exercise. That guy is such a silver-tongued.

20. Golden opportunity

Kesempatan yang datang pada saat dan situasi tepat dan tidak boleh dilewatkan.

You should give your best performance tonight. It’s a golden opportunity for you because there are talent agents who are to recruit new talents for their agencies.

21. With flying colors

Merujuk pada kemampuan melakukan sesuatu secara mudah dan sempurna.

Mom retook her driving license test for the seventh time and finally passed with flying colors.

22. Black out

Kehilangan kesadaran.

It’s very embarassing now to remember how I blacked out after seeing so much blood when my wive gave birth to our baby.

23. Green with envy

Merujuk pada seseorang yang amat iri.

He’s green with envy upon seeing my first edition of Jane Eyre. He’s a die-hard fan of Charlotte Bronte.

Semoga daftar idiom di atas bermanfaat!

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z