Frasa Bahasa Inggris dalam Menyampaikan Pendapat
Berbeda isi kepala, tentu berbeda pula pendapat orang satu dengan lainnya. Baik itu saat berinteraksi secara lisan juga verbal. Pendapat bisa sama dan juga sebaliknya, bertolak belakang. Biasanya saat menyampaikan pendapat, akan ada kalimat atau frasa awalan yang menandakan ingin menyampaikan pendapat, diikuti dengan penjelasannya.
Ada begitu banyak dan beragam frasa untuk menyampaikan pendapat, dan penggunaannya pun berbeda-beda tergantung pada konteks. Ada yang informal untuk diucapkan saat berinteraksi dengan teman sebaya, ada yang formal saat disampaikan di konteks yang lebih serius, dan ada yang diucapkan dengan tingkat pemilihan diksi yang lebih jarang digunakan.
Apa saja kira-kira frasa yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pendapat? Kami telah merangkumnya untuk kamu berikut ini:
Frasa Dasar (Elementary)
- I (really) think that…
- I believe (that)…
- In my opinion,
- My opinion is…
- I’m sure that…
Frasa Pre-intermediate
- I agree with…
- I strongly believe that…
- I’m certain that…
- I have no doubt that…
- I’ve never really thought about this before, but…
- I imagine…
- I feel that…
- To be honest,
- In my honest opinion,
- My personal opinion is that…
- Personally, my opinion is that…
- I strongly believe that…
Frasa Menengah (Intermediate)
- I’d say that…
- I could be wrong, but…
- I agrew with the opinion of…
- As far as I know…
- I would say that…
- I am absolutely certain that…
- I am fairly confident that…
- I imagine that…
- I agree with the opinion of…
- I’m positive that…
- It seems to me that…
- It’s a difficult issue, but…
- I’m no expert on this, but…
- My view on this is…
- Some people may disagree with me, but…
- This is just my opinion, but…
- Without a doubt,
- You probably won’t agree, but…
- Obviously,
Frasa Upper-Intermediate
- As I see it,
- Correct me if I’m wrong, but…
- For my point of view,
- Frankly,
- Although I can see both points of view,
- Although I can understand the opposite point of view,
- After weighing up both sides of the argument,
- After much thought,
- I am not very familiar with this topic, but…
- I have come to the conclusion that…
- I might change my mind later, but…
- I reckon…
- I suppose…
- I tend to think that…
- I am not sure I’m the right person to ask, but…
- I have very limited experience of this, but…
- I’m pretty confident that…
- I’ve always thought that…
- If you ask me,
- I am absolutely convinced that…
- In my humble opinion (IMHO),
- It seems clear to me that…
- It could be said that…
- My initial reaction is…
- Not everyone would agree with me, but…
- Personally speaking,
- Speaking for myself,
- It would seem to me that…
- The way I see it,
- To be frank,
- To the best of my knowledge,
- What I think is…
Frasa Advanced
- As far as I’m concerned…
- I can’t help thinking that…
- I am of the opinion that…
- Having this question due consideration,
- As the old saying goes,
- After giving this matter some serious thought,
- I know this is a minority view, but…
- I tend towards the opinion that…
- I will tell you what I think,
- I think it’s reasonable to say…
- I am entirely convinced that…
- If I must come up with an opinion,
- In my limited experience,
- It could well be that…
- Know what I think?
- My opinion was best expressed by…
- My position on this issue is clear…
- Plainly,
- Quite frankly,
- Off the top of my head,
- There is a part of me that says…
- To my way of thinking,
- To summarizes my rather complex views on the matter,
- With some reservations,
- This may well be controversial, but…
- Without a shadow of doubt,
- Without a shred,
- You’d have to be crazy not to agree that…
Dari beberapa frasa dengan tingkatannya masing-masing tersebut mengindikasikan seberapa kuat atau lemah kekuatan pendapat seseorang. Frasa-frasa di atas bisa kamu gunakan dalam percakapan saat menanyakan atau memberikan opini.
Topik apapun bisa melibatkan opini dengan berbagai macam contoh dan respon antara orang yang sedang berdialog. Contoh percakapan singkat seperti ini:
Contoh Percakapan 1
A: “What do you think about having a child?”
B: “I don’t think it’s for everyone. It would be better to postpone the decision to have a child rather than lose the responsibility.”
A: “Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang memiliki anak?”
B: “Kurasa itu tidak untuk semua orang. Lebih baik menunda keputusan memiliki anak dibandingkan dengan memiliki anak namun tidak bertanggung jawab.”
Contoh Percakapan 2
A: “Hey, what do you think about the new Mission Impossible 6 film?”
B: “Well, in my opinion, it wasn’t as good as the older ones. I didn’t find the story challenging.”
A: “I think so. The story was a bit boring.”
A: “Hei, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang film Mission Impossible 6?”
B: “Menurut pendapatku tidak sebagus film-film sebelumnya. Ceritanya kurang menantang.”
A: “Kurasa demikian. Alur ceritanya sedikit membosankan.”
Contoh Percakapan 3
A: “Ron, what do you think of the Premier League this season?”
B: “I reckon it would be really fun! The summer transfer market was intense, moreover the match itself!”
A: “It would be interesting for sure.”
A: “Ron, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang Liga Premier musim ini?”
B: “Aku rasa akan sangat menyenangkan! Bursa transfer musim panas saja sudah sangat panas, apalagi pertandingannya!”
B: “Pasti akan menarik.”
Contoh Percakapan 4
A: “If we leave at four o’clock then we should get there in plenty of time.”
B: “No, I think we should leave earlier than that.”
C: “If you ask me, I suppose we should just go by plane. That would be much better!”
A: “Jika kita berangkat pukul 4 tepat, pasti masih banyak waktu sesampainya di sana.”
B: “Tidak, kurasa kita harus berangkat lebih awal lagi.”
C: “Jika kalian bertanya pendapatku, kusarankan berangkat dengan pesawat. Pasti akan jauh lebih baik!”
Masih banyak lagi frasa tentang pemberian pendapat yang berbeda-beda dengan tingkat penekanan yang berbeda pula. Semakin banyak yang kamu pelajari, akan semakin kaya pula perbendaharaan kata kamu dalam bahasa Inggris!