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Grammar-Adjective: Mengenal Apa itu Predicative Adjectives

Kata Sifat Setelah Kata Benda

Sebagai adjektiva atau kata sifat, predicative adjectives muncul setelah nomina (nouns), sehingga ia memodifikasi atau menerangkan nomina dan berfungsi sebagai predikat dalam suatu kalimat (predicate adjectives).

Predicative adjectives menyatakan sesuatu tentang subjek dalam suatu kalimat, dihubungkan dengan to be, atau mengikuti linking verbs.

Linking verbs adalah kata kerja yang memiliki fungsi khusus yang menghubungkan subjek dengan adjektiva, seperti: is, seem, grow, feel, become, sound, stay, look, keep, remain, taste, appear, turn, prove, dan smell.

Bila kita menemukan salah satu dari linking verbs tersebut, maka kemungkinan besar kita akan menemukan predicate adjective dalam kalimat yang sama. Namun, verba di atas dapat disebut sebagai linking verbs bila diikuti oleh adjektiva.


  • My bedroom is messy.
  • She is very old-fashioned.
  • The house is very spacey and full light.
  • We grow tired waiting for him.
  • The teacher told us to remain silent at the exam.
  • My father is very friendly toward strangers.
  • Don’t be afraid if your question sounds silly. Be afraid of staying silent.
  • The chanting was loud.
  • It’s summer and the sky looks bright.
  • The exam was difficult and complicated.
  • When I look at him, my stomach feels funny, like there is a butterfly in it.

Sebagaimana yang kita tahu, adjective dapat mendahului nomina (attributive adjectives) maupun mengikuti nomina (predicative adjectives) yang dimodifikasi. Sehingga baik attributive maupun predicative adjectives dapat muncul dan menjelaskan nomina yang sama dalam satu kalimat, seperti

1. The little boy is annoyed with his older brother.

  • Little adalah attributive adjective.
  • Annoyed adalah predicative adjective.
  • Keduanya memodifikasi nomina yang sama, yaitu the boy.

2. The big house around the street corner is expensive.

  • Big adalah attributive adjective.
  • Expensive adalah predicative adjective.
  • Keduanya memodifikasi the house around the street corner.

3. My dusty old turntable is now most searched among audiophiles.

  • Dusty old adalah attributive adjective.
  • Most searched adalah predicative adjective.
  • Keduanya menerangkan my turntable.

4. A friend of mine treated us with the low-fat wagyu that tasted delicious.

  • Low-fat adalah attributive adjective.
  • Delicious adalah predicative adjective yang muncul setelah tasted (linking verb).
  • Keduanya menerangkan wagyu.

5. The white little kitten is very hungry.

  • White little adalah attributive adjective.
  • Very hungry adalah predicative adjective.
  • Keduanya menerangkan the kitten.

Predicate adjectives dapat mendeskripsikan subjek tanpa perlu memberikan adjective lain di depannya. Sehingga, contoh di atas dapat pula ditulis dengan:

  • The boy is annoyed with his older brother.
  • The house around the street corner is expensive.
  • My turntable is now most searched among audiophiles.
  • A friend of mind treated us with wagyu that tasted delicious.
  • The kitten is very hungry.

Contoh Soal

Kini, mari kita coba untuk menentukan manakah predicative adjectives dari kalimat-kalimat soal di bawah ini.

  1. The action movie we watched last night was very exciting.
  2. The soldiers were battle-hardened by the war.
  3. That talented footballer is also handsome.
  4. My seven-year-old boy is rather tall for boy his age.
  5. As the level goes up, the game becomes more difficult.
  6. Your black ornaments work neatly with this Halloween Party.
  7. The cold-blooded murderer appears calm even though the judge gives him the death sentence.
  8. It is very quiet and serene here in the morning.
  9. Her mood ring turns red when she is angry.
  10. My comfort blanket smells nice after being washed.
  11. We often forget that our parents grow older every day.
  12. The victim seems agitated when being stood on the witness stand in court.
  13. I am flabbergasted by the question.
  14. The task proves easy for a high achiever like my boss.
  15. My mom’s paintings seems incredible when being shown at the gallery.
  16. The aurora borealis looks magical.
  17. The crowd went silent after the singer fell unconscious on stage.
  18. Sometimes taking things for granted just doesn’t feel right.
  19. We are fortunate to not be living under war and poverty.
  20. Our wedding ceremony is the most solemn occasion I’ve ever been through in my life.

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English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z