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Kata-Kata Pengganti “But” dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kata but tentu tidak asing lagi kita dengar dan sering digunakan saat berbahasa Inggris. Arti kata but dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang paling familiar adalah “tapi”. Namun tahukah kamu kalau kata but memiliki berbagai arti dan penggunaan?

Kata but juga bisa berarti melainkan, meskipun demikian, walaupun begitu, rupanya, kecuali, hanya, cuma, yang tidak. Karena itu ada kata-kata lain yang bisa digunakan untuk menggantikan kata but dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Jadi daripada bosan pakai but lagi, kamu bisa gunakan kata lain yang serupa. Berikut kata-kata pengganti but beserta contohnya yang bisa kamu gunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

  • Although

Her mother gave plenty money, but she still asked for more allowance

Although her mother gave plenty money, she still asked for more allowance

(Meskipun ibunya sudah memberi uang banyak, dia tetap minta uang jajan lebih)

  • In contrast

She wants to paint the house in white, but her husband wants it to be black

She wants to paint the house in white; in contrast, her husband wants it to be black

(Dia mau rumahnya dicat warna putih, sebaliknya suaminya ingin dicat warna hitam)

  • However

The house will look better with a small garden, but she’s so busy and didn’t have the time to make one

The house will look better with a small garden, however she’s so busy and didn’t have the time to make one

(Rumah itu akan terlihat lebih bagus dengan kebun kecil, meski begitu dia terlalu sibuk dan nggak punya waktu untuk membuatnya)

  • Alternatively

You can’t bring cellphone inside, but you can ask the committee to take a picture for you

You can’t bring cellphone inside; alternatively, you can ask the committee to take a picture for you

(Kamu nggak boleh bawa HP ke dalam, sebagai gantinya kamu bisa minta tolong panitia untuk fotoin kamu)

  • Only

Math exam is not really a problem for me, but don’t expect me to get a full score without studying it

Math exam is not really a problem for me, only don’t expect me to get a full score without studying it

(Ulangan Matematika sih nggak begitu masalah buatku, hanya saja jangan berharap aku dapat nilai sempurna tanpa belajar)

  • Though

I tried talking to her about her boyfriend’s affair, but she didn’t believe me

I tried talking to her about her boyfriend’s affair, she didn’t believe me though

(Aku udah nyoba bilangin dia soal pacarnya yang selingkuh, meski begitu dia nggak percaya aku)

  • Except

She asked for help here and there, no one cared but Hansel

She asked for help here and there, no one cared except Hansel

(Dia minta tolong kesana kemari, nggak ada yang peduli selain Hansel)

  • Whereas

She got the job on the first try, but I tried to apply many times and still failed

She got the job on the first try, whereas I tried to apply many times and still failed

(Dia dapat kerjaan pertama melamar, sedangkan aku udah coba melamar berkali-kali dan tetap gagal)

  • Still

He complained when his boss gave the task, but he’s doing it anyway

He complained when his boss gave the task, still he’s doing it anyway

(Dia protes pas bosnya kasih tugas itu, tapi dia tetap mengerjakannya juga)

  • On the contrary

She wants to go to the mountain this holiday; but her boyfriend wants to go to the beach

She wants to go to the mountain this holiday; on the contrary, her boyfriend wants to go to the beach

(Dia mau pergi ke gunung liburan ini, sebaliknya pacarnya malah mau ke pantai)

  • Nevertheless

He said that he didn’t study for the exam, but he’s got a perfect score

He said that he didn’t study for the exam, nevertheless he’s got a perfect score

(Dia bilang dia nggak belajar buat ujian, meski begitu dia dapat nilai sempurna)

  • Otherwise than

He got an E this semester, so he didn’t have a choice but study hard

He got an E this semester, so he didn’t have a choice otherwise than study hard

(Dia dapat E semester inim jadi dia nggak punya pilihan lain selain belajar yang rajin)

  • Yet

They said the winning probability for our team was low and it was hopeless, but we won the game

They said the winning probability for our team was low and it was hopeless, yet we won the game

(Mereka bilang kemungkinan menang untuk tim kita kecil dan itu nggak mungkin, meski begitu kita memenangkan pertandingan)

  • Except for

There is a great tutor that has always sent students to good college, the problem is she didn’t take student but the rich ones

There is a great tutor that has always sent students to good college, the problem is she didn’t take student except for the rich ones

(Ada tutor hebat yang selalu bisa mengirim muridnya ke kampus bagus, masalahnya adalah dia nggak mengajar murid kecuali anak orang kaya)

Demikian pembahasan mengenai kata-kata yang dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kata but dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z