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Listening: Asking for WIFI password at Hotel

Hotel Conversation: Asking for WIFI
Guest: Good afternoon.
(Selamat siang.)
Receptionist: Good afternoon Sir. Is there anything that I can help you with?
(Selamat siang, Pak. Apakah ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
Guest: I need to know several amenities the hotel that help me to do my work.
(Saya ingin mengetahui fasilitas hotel yang ada di sini yang dapat membantu saya dengan pekerjaan saya. )
Receptionist: We have a WIFI service here Sir. It is located on each level and you can access it all over the levels. We also have a coffee shop in third floor.
(Kami memiliki layanan WIFI di sini, Pak. WIFI terdapat di setiap lantai dan dapat diakses di seluruh lantai. Kami juga memiliki kedai kopi di lantai 3.)
Guest: How can I access the WIFI service?
(Bagaimana saya dapat mengakses layanan WIFI-nya?)
Receptionist: You just need to login using a username and a password.
(Anda hanya harus masuk menggunakan nama pengguna dan kata sandi.)
Guest: Do I have to pay for the WIFI?
(Apakah saya harus membayar untuk menggunakan layanan WIFI?)
Receptionist: Our WIFI service is free of charge.
(Layanan WIFI kami dapat diakses secara gratis.)
Guest: Where can I get the login details?
(Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan rincian masuk saya?)
Receptionist: It is in the cover of your hotel room key card Sir. There’s the username and the password for you.
(Nama pengguna serta kata sandinya terdapat di sampul kartu kunci kamar hotel Anda, Pak. Di sana ada nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk Anda.)
Guest: Oh, here it is. Thank you very much. I didn’t see it before.
(Oh, ini dia. Terima kasih banyak. Saya tidak melihatnya sebelumnya.)
Receptionist: Is there anything else that I can help you with?
(Apakah ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu?)
Guest: Not at this moment.
(Untuk saat ini belum ada.)
Receptionist: Should there’s anything I can do to help, please, dial ‘0′ from your room.
(Apabila ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu, silakan tekan ‘0′ dari kamar Anda.)
Guest: Okay. Thank you.
(Baik, terima kasih.)
Receptionist: You’re very welcome Sir. Have a nice day.
(Terima kasih kembali, Pak. Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan. )

Hotel Conversation: Asking for WIFI – Dialog 2
Receptionist: Hello..Customer Service here..
(Halo… CS di sini..)
Guest: Hello.. Can you tell me the wifi password, please..
(Halo.. bisa tahu password wifinya?)
Receptionist: Your room number please..
(Nomor kamarnya?)
Guest: 4 0 4
Receptionist: For the hotel 4th floor, please use ‘WIFI4thFLOOR’ network name
(Untuk lantai 4, gunakan ‘WIFI4thFLOOR’)
Guest: And username & password?
(username & passwordnya?)
Receptionist: Please use ‘guest’ as username. And the password is.. MERDEKA4.. M. E. R. D. E. K. A. 4..number four..
(Gunakan ‘guest’ untuk usernamenya. Dan passwordnya MERDEKA4)
Guest: M. E. R. D. E. K. A and number 4…is that right?
(MERDEKA dan angka 4..apakah benar?)
Receptionist: Yes that’s right.
(Ya benar)
Guest: Thak you. I’ll try the login & password first.
(Terima kasih. Saya coba dulu login & passwordnya.)
Receptionist: No problem. If you need more help just call us.
(OK. Kalau ada masalah telpon aja lagi)

Hotel Conversation: Asking for WIFI – Dialog 3
Receptionist: Good evening, welcome to Continental Hotel. How may I help you, maam?
(Selamat malam, selamat datang di Hotel Continental. Ada yang bisa saya bantu, Bu?)
Regina: Good evening. I have an online reservation for one room in the name of Jane Doe for today.
(Selamat malam. Saya memiliki reservasi online untuk satu kamar atas nama Jane Doe untuk hari ini.)
Receptionist: Yes, Ms. Doe. We’ve reserved one single room for you overlooking the beach for three nights. Is that correct?
(Ya, Nn. Doe. Kami mendapatkan reservasi untuk satu kamar single menghadap pantai untuk tiga malam. Apakah sudah betul?)
Regina: Yes, that’s correct.
(Ya. Sudah betul.)
Receptionist: Great. We already have your credit card information here on the reservation. Please, sign up the receipt along the bottom.
(Baik. Kami sudah memiliki informasi kartu kredit Anda di reservasi ini. Mohon tanda tangan pada tanda terima di bagian bawah.)
Regina: What about the WIFI service?
(Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan akses ke WIFI-nya?)
Receptionist: Our WIFI service is also included in the price, maam.
(Layanan WIFI kami juga termasuk ke dalam pembayarannya, Bu.)
Regina: How can I get an access to the wifi?
(Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan akses ke WIFI-nya?)
Receptionist: You will find a username and a password attached on the wall near the night table.
(Anda akan menemukan nama pengguna dan kata sandi terlampir di dinding dekat meja nakas.)
Regina: Alright. So what room am I in?
(Baiklah. Jadi, saya berada di kamar berapa?)
Receptionist: You’re in Room 707. Here’s your key card. A bellboy will bring your luggage up shortly.
(Anda berada di kamar 707. Ini kartu kunci Anda. Pelayan akan segera membawa koper Anda ke atas.)
Regina: Okay. Thank you.
(Terima kasih.)

Hotel Conversation: Asking for WIFI – Dialog 4
Receptionist: Hello.. What can I help you?
(Halo..Ada yang bisa dibantu?)
Guest: Hello… I want to connect to internet please..
(Halo.. Aku mau konek internet dong..)
Receptionist: Yes.. You can use our WIFI.. It’s free of charge..
(Ya.. bisa pakai wifi kami. Gratis kok)
Guest: Great. Where can I get the login details?
(Baguslah. Login passwordnya apa ya?)
Receptionist: Please turn on the TV and press number 1 on remote..
(Bisa nyalakan tv dan tekan nomor 1 di remote?)
Guest: OK. Done. I am watching channel 1 right now. It is a repeated hotel promotion video.
(OK. Sudah. Sekarang aku nonton channel 1. Cuma ada video promosi yang berulang.)
Receptionist: Yes you are right. Please watch the video. You will find the WIFI login details at the end of the video.
(Ya benar. Silakan lihat videonya. Anda kan mengetahui login passwordnya di bagian akhir.)
Guest: OK. Got It. Thank you very much.
(OK. Sudah. Terima kasih.)
Receptionist: You are welcome.

Hotel Conversation: Asking for WIFI – Dialog 5
Guest: Hi.. I want to check in.
(Hi.. aku mau check in)
Hotel: Welcome to ABC Hotel.. Do you have any reservation?
(Selamat datang di hotel ABC.. sudah reservasi?)
Guest: I’ve booked through
(Sudah booking lewat
Hotel: And under what name, your booking is?
(Booking atas nama siapa?)
Guest: Jeniffer Crow.
(Jeniffer Crow)
Hotel: Can you spell your last name, please?
(Bisa ulangi nama belakangnya?)
Guest: C. R. O. W.
(C R O W)
Hotel: Yes, we have reservation for Mrs. Jeniffer Crow for three nights starting from today. Is that right.
(Ya, kami ada reservasi atas nama Jeniffer Crow untuk tiga malam mulai malam ini)
Guest: Yes, that is right.
(Ya benar sekali)
Hotel: Can I have your ID please?
(Bisa lihat KTP-nya?)
Guest: Here is my passport.
(Ini passport saya?)
Hotel: Thank you.. Anyway, your breakfast will be served from 7:00 until 10:00. Just tell your room number to restaurant front desk.
(Terima kasih. Sarapan mulai jam 7 sampai jam 10. Bilang saja nomor kamarnya ke front desk restoran)
Guest: How about WIFI password?
(Password WIFI-nya bagaimana?)
Hotel: Here.. within your key, there is a password stated.
(Ini di kunci kamar, ada passwordnya)
Guest: Thank you very much. I’ll just go to the room.
(Terima kasih banyak. Saya akan langsung ke kamar.)
Hotel: You’re welcome. If you need any help just press 0 to call front desk.
(Sama-sama. Jika butuh bantuan tekan 0 saja)
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z