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Listening: English Questions

Belajar Kalimat Tanya Bahasa Inggris

1 What do you like to do when it rains?
(Apa yang kamu lakukan ketika hujan?)
2 What’s your religion?
(Apa agamamu?)
3 When do we celebrate independence day?
(Kapan kita merayakan hari kemerdekaan?)
4 What’s your location?
(Di mana lokasimu?)
5 Why is breakfast so important?
(Mengapa sarapan penting?)
6 How do you know if you are pregnant?
(Bagaimana cara untuk tahu jika kamu hamil?)
7 Why are elephants afraid of mice?
(Mengapa gajah takut tikus?)
8 Where did elvis presley die?
(Di mana Elvis Presley meninggal?)
9 What time is considered evening?
(Jam berapa mulai disebut petang?)
10 Where do polar bears live?
(Di mana beruang kutub hidup?)
11 Why did Germany declare war on Russia?
(Mengapa Jerman mendeklarasikan perang dengan Rusia?)
12 Where are blood cells made?
(Di mana sell darah dibuat?)
13 Why are dogs better than cats?
(Mengapa anjing lebih baik daripada kucing?)
14 When do passports expire?
(Kapan paspor kadaluarsa?)
15 How are hurricanes named?
(Bagaimana badai dinamakan?)
16 Why do lights flicker?
(Mengapa lampu berkedip-kedip?)
17 Who do we owe the national debt to?
(Kepada siapa negara berutang?)
18 How do you delete a facebook account?
(Bagaimana cara menghapus akun facebook?)
19 Why do 2 year olds cry?
(Mengapa anak umur 2 tahun menangis?)
20 Where did Trump go to college?
(Di mana Trump kuliah?)
21 What time is burger king close?
(Jam berapa burger king tutup?)
22 Why are onions bad for dogs?
(Mengapa bawang putih buruk bagi anjing?)
23 What’s your phone number?
(Berapa nomor telepon kamu?)
24 Why do giraffes have long necks?
(Mengapa jerapah punya leher panjang?)
25 Why are bees dying?
(Mengapa lebah pada mati?)
26 What’s your address?
(Di mana alamat rumahmu?)
27 Why are you running?
(Mengapa kamu berlari?)
28 What do you like to do on vacation?
(Apa yang kamu lakukan ketika liburan?)
29 Why do dogs eat grass?
(Mengapa anjing memakan rumput?)
30 When is flu season?
(Kapan musim flu?)
31 When do babies start talking?
(Kapan bayi mulai berbicara?)
32 When are the world cup finals?
(Kapan final piala dunia?)
33 Who do farmers sell to?
(Kepada siapa petani menjual?)
34 How are you in spanish?
(Apa kabar dalam bahasa spanyol?)
35 What time are we meeting?
(Jam berapa kita bertemu?)
36 What do you like to do for fun?
(Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk bersenang-senang?)
37 How do you open a bank account?
(Bagaimana cara membuka akun bank?)
38 Who are china’s allies?
(Siapa sekutu China?)
39 What’s your car worth?
(Berapa harga mobilmu?)
40 What’s your age?
(Berapa umurmu?)
41 Why did friends end?
(Mengapa pertemanan berakhir?)
42 Why did France surrender to Germany?
(Mengapa Perancis menyerah terhapan Jerman?)
43 How do snakes move?
(Bagaimana ular bergerak?)
44 What do you think life is all about?
(Apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang kehidupan ini?)
45 How do you say hi in french?
(Bagaimana cara mengucapkan hai dalam bahasa perancis?)
46 What happened before the great depression?
(Apa yang terjadi sebelum depresi besar?)
47 Why is alcohol bad?
(Mengapa alkohol buruk?)
48 Why is the sky blue?
(Mengapa langit biru?)
49 How is the flu spread?
(Bagaimana flu menyebar?)
50 What’s wrong with me?
(Apa yang salah denganku)
51 What time are you coming?
(Jam berapa kamu datang?)
52 Who is the boss?
(Siapa bosnya)
53 What’s your name?
(Siapa nama kamu?)
54 How do you whistle?
(Bagaimana cara bersiul?)
55 How can energy be transferred?
(Bagaimana cara mentransfer energi?)
56 What time is convenient for you?
(Jam berapa enaknya buat kamu?)
57 How can a decision impact others?
(Bagaimana bisa keputusan berdampak kepada orang lain?)
58 Why is my computer so slow?
(Mengapa komputerku sangat lambat?)
59 What time are you available?
(Jam berapa kamu bisanya?)
60 What’s your dream job?
(Apa mobil impianmu?)
61 Why do I fart so much?
(Mengapa saya banyak sekali kentutnya?)
62 How i download video from youtube?
(Bagaimana cara download video dari youtube?)
63 What’s your favorite food?
(Apa makanan kesukaanmu?)
64 What happen during the korean war?
(Apa yang terjadi selama perang korea?)
65 When do chickens lay eggs?
(Kapan ayam mengerami telur?)
66 How do you cook asparagus?
(Bagaimana cara memasak asparagus?)
67 How is electricity generated?
(Bagaimana listrik dihasilkan?)
68 How do you apply for a passport?
(Bagaimana cara membuat paspor?)
69 Why did the chicken cross the road?
(Mengapa ayam menyeberangi jalan?)
70 How is GDP calculated?
(Bagaimana GDP dihitung?)
71 What’s new on tv now?
(Apa yang baru di TV sekarang?)
72 How can climate change be solved?
(Bagaimana cara menyelesaikan masalah perubahan iklim?)
73 What’s your favorite movie?
(Apa film favoritmu?)
74 Where are avocados grown?
(Di mana alpukat tumbuh?)
75 How do you say 50 in spanish?
(Bagaimana cara mengucapkan 50 dalam bahasa spanyol?)
76 How can bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?
(Bagaimana bisa bakteri bisa tahan terhadap antibiotik?)
77 Where do I renew my passport?
(Di mana saya memperbarui Paspor?)
78 Why do farts smell?
(Mengapa kentut bau?)
79 How do you boil eggs?
(Bagaimana cara merebus telur?)
80 Why are japanese cars more reliable?
(Mengapa mobil jepang lebih dapat diandalkan?)
81 What’s up bro?
(Apa kabarnya kawan?)
82 How do jellyfish reproduce?
(Bagaimana ubur-ubur bereproduksi?)
83 How are earthquakes measured?
(Bagaimana gempa bumi diukur?)
84 What do you think causes autism?
(Apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang penyebab autisme?)
85 How are babies born?
(Bagaimana bayi lahir?)
86 How do banks make money?
(Bagaimana cara bank mendapatkan uangnya?)
87 Why is communication important?
(Mengapa komunikasi penting?)
88 Where do babies come from?
(Dari mana asal bayi?)
89 Why are gas prices going up?
(Mengapa harga minyak terus naik?)
90 How are you doing?
(Apa kabarmu?)
91 When do sunflowers bloom?
(Kapan bunga matahari mekar?)
92 Where did the vikings come from?
(Dari mana Viking berasal?)
93 When is mothers day?
(Kapan hari ibu?)
94 Why do you love someone?
(Mengapa kamu mencintai seseorang?)
95 What time are job interviews usually?
(Jam berapa interview kerja biasanya?)
96 Who do i look like?
(Seperti apa tampang saya?)
97 What time are you supposed to eat dinner?
(Jam berapa kamu seharusnya makan malam?)
98 Where do jellyfish live?
(Di mana ubur-ubur hidup?)
99 When are mangoes in season?
(Kapan musim mangga?)
100 How is rice grown?
(Bagaimana padi tumbuh?)
101 How are animals classified?
102 Why do we yawn?
103 When is 90 days from today?
104 What does your name mean?
105 How is malaria transmitted?
106 Where is amsterdam?
107 What time is in London?
108 Why are human rights important?
109 How do antibiotics work?
110 Where did Columbus land?
111 Why did you get married?
112 How can we save the earth?
113 How is autism diagnosed?
114 How is diabetes diagnosed?
115 Who is favored to win the world cup?
116 How do fish sleep?
117 Why is smoking bad for you?
118 Why is pluto not a planet?
119 Who are my neighbors?
120 Where are earthquakes common?
121 Why do 90 percent of startups fail?
122 Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
123 What’s the weather today?
124 What’s your greatest strength?
125 How can hypertension be prevented?
126 Why do old people shake?
127 Where are danish people from?
128 Why are animals going extinct?
129 How did Zeus become a god?
130 What’s your height?
131 What time is afternoon tea?
132 How can kids make money?
133 How can bacteria be harmful?
134 Why is bitcoin going up?
135 When is your birthday?
136 Where are nike shoes made?
137 How do i look like?
138 How is chocolate made?
139 Why are coral reefs important?
140 What’s your job title?
141 Who are they?
142 What is the weather today?
143 What happen if earth stopped rotating?
144 Why is google not working?
145 How can natural selection change a population?
146 What’s your email?
147 How did Chernobyl happen?
148 Why are you interested in this position?
149 Why are instagram videos not loading?
150 How can diabetes kill you?
151 When are women most fertile?
152 When are you considered an adult?
153 Why do bees make honey?
154 How can lung cancer be treated?
155 Where is Dubai located?
156 Why is college so expensive?
157 What happens after you die?
158 When did the Titanic sink?
159 What time are hotel checkins?
160 When do eggs go bad?
161 What do you like to do at your free time?
162 Where did you sleep last night?
163 What does that mean?
164 How are fossils formed?
165 Where are lungs located?
166 How can birds fly?
167 Where did coffee originate?
168 Why do lions roar?
169 Why are apples good for you?
170 How is kimchi made?
171 Who am I?
172 What do you like to do together as a family?
173 What do you like to do at the weekend?
174 What is my IP?
175 What’s your biggest fear?
176 Who is the richest person in the world?
177 When do eggs expire?
178 What’s your occupation?
179 Why is gold valuable?
180 What time is rush hour in Jakarta?
181 When do kids start walking?
182 What is global warming?
183 When are dividends paid?
184 What’s your hobby?
185 How is the weather today?
186 What happened 10 years ago?
187 What do you think about gun control?
188 What’s your major?
189 What time is now?
190 What do you think about globalization?
191 Why is education important?
192 What do you think about before you die?
193 How do you make slime?
194 Why do you get hiccups?
195 What do you like to do in your school?
196 Who do you think you are?
197 Where is my phone?
198 How do i get home?
199 When do pools open?
200 Where are diamonds found?
201 When do girls stop growing?
202 When do I use a semicolon?
203 What’s your story?
204 When does school start?
205 What time are college classes?
206 What time are we leaving?
207 Why is gas so high?
208 What do you think about me?
209 Who did princess margaret marry?
210 What’s my schedule today?
211 How did the korean war end?
212 Why do kittens bite?
213 Where are fossils found?
214 Why do my teeth hurt?
215 How can earthquakes be predicted?
216 Why is my dog eating grass?
217 When do hurricanes occur?
218 Who are you?
219 When are high school graduations?
220 Why are leaves green?
221 How is almond milk made?
222 How do you make money on youtube?
223 Why do earthquakes happen?
224 What’s your nationality?
225 What do you think robots should be used for?
226 Who is running against trump?
227 Why are kids picky eaters?
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z