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Listening: Hotel Reservation / Booking Dialog

Hotel Reservation
Hotel: ABC Hotel. How can I help you?
(Hotel ABC. Ada yang bisa dibantu?)
Guest: Hello, I would like to book a room for two please.
(Halo, saya ingin memesan kamar untuk dua orang.)
Hotel: When is the date of the check-in?
(Kapan tanggal menginapnya?)
Guest: It will be on 25th of August.
(Tanggal 25 Agustus nanti.)
Hotel: What kind of room do you want? We have a basic room and deluxe room for two people.
(Jenis kamar seperti apa yang Anda inginkan? Kami memiliki ruangan sederhana dan ruangan deluxe untuk dua orang.)
Guest: What is the difference between those two kinds?
(Apa perbedaan antara dua jenis tersebut?)
Hotel: In basic room, there will be two single bed and a shower in the bathroom. Meanwhile in deluxe room, there will be a king-sized bed along with a shower and a bathtub.
(Di ruangan sederhana, ada dua tempat tidur kecil dan shower di kamar mandinya. Sedangkan di ruangan deluxe, ada satu tempat tidur besar dengan shower dan bak mandi.)
Guest: How much is the deluxe room for two nights?
(Berapa biaya ruangan deluxe untuk dua malam?)
Hotel: For one night it’s $250, so it will be $500 for two nights.
(Untuk semalam harganya $250, jadi untuk dua malam harganya $500.)
Guest: That sounds good. I will book the deluxe room for two nights. Is the breakfast included?
(Itu terdengar bagus. Saya akan pesan kamar deluxe untuk dua malam. Apakah sudah termasuk sarapan?)
Hotel: Yes, sir. It is included for two people. May I take your name for the booking?
(Iya, tuan. Sudah termasuk sarapan untuk dua orang. Boleh saya tahu nama pemesannya?)
Guest: Of course. It’s John Smith.
(Tentu saja. Nama saya John Smith.)
Hotel: Thank you very much, sir. We look forward to your stay here.
(Terima kasih banyak, pak. Kami akan menunggu kedatangan Anda.)
Guest: Have a nice day.
(Semoga harimu menyenangkan)

Hotel Reservation – Dialog 2
Hotel: ABC Hotel. How can we help you?
(Hotel ABC. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?)
Guest: Good afternoon. I would like to book a room for 23rd of November, please. Is there a room available for that date?
(Selamat siang. Saya ingin memesan kamar untuk tanggal 23 November. Apakah ada kamar yang tersedia?)
Hotel: Absolutely. We still have a few rooms available on that date. How long will you be staying?
(Tentu saja. Masih ada beberapa kamar yang tersedia pada tanggal tersebut. Berapa lama Anda akan menginap?)
Guest: Only for one night.
(Hanya semalam.)
Hotel: Okay. What kind of room would you like?
(Baiklah. Jenis kamar seperti apa yang Anda inginkan?)
Guest: I would like a single-bed, a bathtub on the bathroom, a mini freezer, TV, and AC in the room. And if possible, I would like the one with a hairdryer in the bathroom.
(Saya ingin tempat tidur kecil, bak mandi di kamar mandi, kulkas kecil, TV, dan AC di kamar. Lalu jika memungkinkan, saya ingin yang ada pengering rambut di kamar mandinya.)
Hotel: We have just the room for you available. Would you like your breakfast to be included too?
(Kami punya ruangan yang tepat. Apakah Anda ingin sudah termasuk sarapan?)
Guest: How much would that be?
(Berapa harganya?)
Hotel: With breakfast, it will be $150 and without breakfast it will be $145. We also have room service ready 24 hours should you need anything.
(Dengan sarapan, harganya $150 dan tanpa sarapan $145. Kami juga punya layanan kamar 24 jam jika Anda perlu apapun.)
Guest: I think I will just go with breakfast not included.
(Sepertinya saya akan pesan tanpa sarapan saja.)
Hotel: Absolutely. May I take your name for the booking?
(Tentu saja. Boleh saya tahu nama pemesannya?)
Guest: It’s Laura James. When is the check in time?
(Laura James. Pukul berapa check-innya?)
Hotel: It will be on 2 PM. And the check out time is around 11 AM.
(Pukul 2 siang dan check outnya sekitar pukul 11 pagi.)
Guest: Alright. Thank you for your assistance.
(Baiklah. Terima kasih atas bantuannya.)
Hotel: We’re looking forward to your stay here. Have a good day.
(Kami akan menantikan kedatangan Anda. Semoga harimu menyenangkan.)

Hotel Reservation – Dialog 3
Hotel: Good morning. Welcome to ABC Hotel.
(Selamat pagi. Selamat datang di ABC Hotel)
Guest: Good morning. I would like to make a reservation for next weekend. Do you have any vacancies?
(Pagi. Saya ingin memesan kamar untuk akhir pekan depan. Apakah kalian ada kamar kosong?)
Hotel: Yes, we still have several rooms available for that. Let me know, is it the 15th?
(Ya, kami masih ada beberapa kamar pada waktu tersebut. Boleh tahu, benar untuk tanggal 15?)
Guest: Correct.
Hotel: How long will you be staying?
(Berapa lama anda akan menginap?)
Guest: Two days.
(Dua hari)
Hotel: How many people is the reservation for?
(Untuk berapa orang reservasinya?)
Guest: Just one person.
(Untuk satu orang saja)
Hotel: The room is three hundred and fifty dollars per night. And what name will the reservation be listed under?
(Harga kamarnya 350 dollar untuk satu malam. Atas nama siapa reservasinya?)
Guest: Eric Adams
(Eric Adams)
Hotel: Is there a phone number where you can be contacted?
(Adakah nomor yang bisa dihubungi?)
Guest: The number is 8 0 0 4 3 3
(Nomornya 8 0 0 4 3 3)
Hotel: Great. Now I’ll need your credit card information to reserve the room. What type of card is it?
(Baik. Sekarang saya butuh informasi kartu kredit anda untuk pemesanan kamarnya. Apa jenis kartunya?)
Guest: I’ll use cash.
(Saya pakai uang tunai)
Hotel: Alright Sir, your reservation has been made for the fifteenth of March. Check-in is at 2 o’clock. Please do not hesitate to call us if you need any information.
(Baik, pak. Reservasi anda telah dibuat untuk tanggal 15 Maret. Silahkan check-in pada pukul 2. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami bila anda membutuhkan informasi)
Guest: Okay, thank you so much.
(Baik, terima kasih banyak)
Hotel: My pleasure. We’ll see you next week. Have a nice day.
(Dengan senang hati. Sampai jumpa minggu depan. Semoga hari anda baik)

Hotel Reservation – Dialog 4
Hotel: Good afternoon Sir. Welcome to ABC Hotel.
(Selamat siang Pak. Selamat datang di ABC Hotel)
Guest: Hi, good afternoon. I’d like to book a room for March 15th. Do you have any vacancies?
(Saya ingin memesan kamar untuk tanggal 15 Maret. Apakah anda memiliki kamar kosong?)
Hotel: Let me check it for you. Please wait a moment.
(Akan saya cek dulu. Mohon tunggu sebentar)
Guest: Okay
Hotel: Yes sir, there are several rooms available for that day. How long will you be staying?
(Ya Pak, ada beberapa kamar yang tersedia pada hari tersebut. Berapa lama anda akan menginap?)
Guest: I will be staying for 3 days.
(Saya akan menginap selama 3 hari)
Hotel: And how many people is the reservation for?
(Untuk berapa orang reservasinya?)
Guest: There will only be two of us. What’s the rate for the room?
(Ada dua orang. Berapa harga kamarnya?)
Hotel: Five hundred dollars per night Sir.
(Lima ratus dollar untuk satu malam, pak)
Guest: Is that your best rate? We won’t be at hotel much.
(Apakah itu harga terbaiknya? Kami tidak akan banyak berada di hotel)
Hotel: That’s the price of a room with a view of the ocean, and with twin beds. Would you like another type of room? We still have one on the lower floor, the rate is $300.
(Itu harga kamar dengan pemandangan laut, dan dengan dua kasur. Apakah Anda mau tipe kamar lain? Kami ada satu di lantai bawah, harganya 300 dollar)
Guest: I’ll take that. And I’d like a double bed, please.
(Yang itu saja. Dan saya mau tempat tidur double)
Hotel: Yes Sir. Could you please fill in this form? And may I have your credit card please?
(Ya, pak. Bisakah anda mengisi formulir ini? Dan boleh saya lihat kartu kredit anda?)
Guest: Sure. Here it is.
(Tentu. Ini)

Hotel Reservation – Dialog 5
Guest: Hi, good afternoon. I’m Thomas and I would like to make a reservation.
(Hi, selamat siang. Aku Thomas dan aku ingin memesan kamar.)
Hotel: Hi, Mr. Thomas. What can I do for you?
(Hi, Tuan Thomas. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?)
Guest: Our company will hold a meeting in Jogjakarta and I see that your hotel give an extra discount for Corporate event. Is that right?
(Perusahaanku akan mengadakan rapat di Jogjakarta dan aku lihat hotelmu menawarkan diskon tambahan untuk acara perusahaan. Apakah benar?)
Hotel: Yes Sir, that’s right. With a minimum reservation for 20 rooms and you will get the extra discount. How many reservations do you need Sir?
(Ya Tuan, benar sekali. Dengan minimum pemesanan sebanyak 20 kamar dan anda akan mendapatkan diskon tambahan. Berapa banyak pemesanan yang anda butuhkan Tuan?)
Guest: It’s gonna be for 50 persons and each will get their own room. Do you have meeting room facilities?
(Sekitar 50 orang dan masing-masing akan mendapatkan kamar sendiri. Apakah kau punya fasilitas ruang rapat?)
Hotel: Yes Sir, we have 5 meeting rooms. We have room B & C to accommodate 50 persons. The facilities are complete with projector and audio visual.
(Ya, Tuan, kami punya 5 ruang rapat. Kami ada room B & C yang bisa mengakomodasi 50 orang. Fasilitasnya lengkap dengan proyektor dan peralatan audio visual)
Guest: Well, that’s fantastic, I will double check the dates and will give you the detail of reservation.
(Baiklah, itu mengagumkan. Aku akan cek kembali tanggalnya dan akan memberikan detail pemesanannya.)
Hotel: Okay Sir. We will be waiting for your confirmation. If you have any issues with the booking process don’t hesitate to contact us.
(Baik, Tuan. Aku akan menunggu konfirmasi anda. Jika anda mendapatkan masalah pada pemesanannya jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.)
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z