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Listening: Introduction & Small Talks Conversation

Percakapan Perkenalan & Obrolan Ringan

Formal Greetings
JAMES: Good morning, Professor Austin, how are you doing?
(Selamat pagi, Profesor Austin, apa kabar?)
PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Good morning, James. I am doing well. And you?
(Selamat pagi, James. Kabar saya baik. Dan kamu?)
JAMES: I’m great, thank you. This is my friend Emma. She is thinking about applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please?
(Saya baik, terima kasih. Ini temanku Emma. Dia mau mendaftar ke perguruan tinggi ini. Dia punya beberapa pertanyaan. Maukah anda memberi tahu bagaimana prosesnya?)
PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Hello, Emma! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week.
(Halo, Emma! Senang berkenalan dengan Anda. Saya senang sekali berbicara dengan Anda. Silakan mampir ke kantor saya minggu depan.)
EMMA: It’s a pleasure to meet you, professor. Thank you so much for helping us.
(Senang bertemu Anda, profesor. Terima kasih banyak telah membantu kami.)
PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Don’t mention it. Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions!
(Tidak masalah. Semoga saya bisa menjawab pertanyaan kamu!)

Informal Greetings and Farewells
JANE: Hi, Helen! How’s it going?
(Hai, Helen! Bagaimana kabarmu?)
HELEN: Fine, thanks — and you?
(Baik, terima kasih dan kamu?)
JANE: Just fine. Where are you off to?
(Baik baik saja. Kemana kamu pergi?)
HELEN: To the library. I’ve got a history exam next week and need to start studying.
(Ke perpustakaan. Saya ada ujian sejarah minggu depan dan harus mulai belajar.)
JANE: Oh, no. Well, I’ll see you later then. Good luck!
(Oh tidak. Baiklah, sampai jumpa. Semoga berhasil!)
HELEN: Thanks. See you later.
(Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa lagi.)

Formal Introductions
MARGARET: Mr. Wilson, I’d like you to meet Dr. Edward Smith.
(Tn. Wilson, perkenalkan Dr. Edward Smith.)
MR. WILSON: It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Smith.
(Senang bertemu dengan Anda, Dr. Smith.)
DR. SMITH: Pleasure to meet you, too.
(Senang bertemu dengan Anda juga.)
MARGARET: Dr. Smith is an economist. He just finished writing a book on international trade.
(Dr. Smith adalah seorang ekonom. Dia baru saja selesai menulis buku tentang perdagangan internasional.)
MR. WILSON: Oh? That’s my field, too. I work for the United Nations.
(Oh Itu bidang saya juga. Saya bekerja untuk PBB.)
DR. SMITH: In the Development Program, by any chance?
(Dalam Program Pengembangan?)
MR. WILSON: Yes. How did you guess?
(Iya. Bagaimana kamu menebak nya?)
DR. SMITH: I’ve read your articles on technical assistance. They’re excellent.
(Saya sudah membaca artikel Anda tentang bantuan teknis. Tulisan anda luar biasa.)

Informal Introductions
JIM: Who’s the tall woman next to Barbara?
(Siapa wanita yang tinggi di sebelah Barbara?)
CHARLES: That’s her friend Mary. Didn’t you meet her at Steve’s party?
(Itu temannya Mary. Apakah kamu tidak bertemu dengannya di pesta Steve?)
JIM: No, I wasn’t at Steve’s party.
(Saya tidak pergi ke pesta Steve.)
CHARLES: Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Mary, this is my friend Jim.
(Oh! Maka izinkan aku memperkenalkan kamu. Mary, ini temanku Jim.)
MARY: Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you.
(Hai, Jim. Senang bertemu denganmu.)
JIM: You, too. Would you like a drink?
(Kamu juga. Apa kau mau minum?)
MARY: Sure, let’s go get one.
(Tentu, mari kita ambil satu)

What Time Is It?
NATASHA: What time is it? We’re going to be late!
(Jam berapa sekarang? Kita akan terlambat!)
TONY: It’s a quarter after seven. We’re on time. Don’t panic.
(Tujuh seperempat. Kita akan tepat waktu. Jangan panik.)
NATASHA: But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise party. We’ll never make it there with all this evening traffic.
(Tetapi kita harus berada di restoran pada jam 7:30 untuk pesta kejutan. Kita tidak akan pernah sampai dengan lalu lintas seperti malam ini.)
TONY: Sure we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 8:00. But I do need help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park our car?
(Tentu bisa. Jam sibuk hampir berakhir. Ngomong-ngomong pesta dimulai pukul 8:00. Aku butuh bantuan dengan arah. Bisakah kamu menelepon restoran dan bertanya di mana kita bisa memarkir mobil?)

A Telephone Call
JOHN: Hi, Alice, it’s John. How are you?
(Hai, Alice, ini John. Apa kabar?)
ALICE: Oh, hi, John! I was just thinking about you.
(Oh, hai, John! Aku memikirkanmu.)
JOHN: That’s nice. I was wondering if you’d like to go to a movie tonight.
(Baguslah. Saya mau tanya, apakah kamu mau menonton film malam ini?)
ALICE: Sure, I’d love to! What’s playing?
(Tentu saja! Film apa yang sedang diputar?)
JOHN: I was thinking about that new comedy Lights Out. What do you think?
(Bagaimana kalau film komedi baru Lights Out?)
ALICE: Sounds great!
(Kedengarannya bagus!)
JOHN: OK, I’ll pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at 8:00.
(Oke, saya akan menjemput Anda sekitar jam 7:30. Film dimulai pukul 8:00.)
ALICE: See you then. Bye!
(Sampai jumpa..)

Can You Say That Again?
LUKE: Hello? Hi, Stephanie, how are things at the office?
(Halo? Hai, Stephanie, apa kabar di kantor?)
STEPHANIE: Hi, Luke! How are you? Can you please stop and pick up extra paper for the computer printer?
(Hai, Luke! Apa kabar? Bisakah kamu mengambil kertas tambahan untuk printer komputer?)
LUKE: What did you say? Can you repeat that, please? Did you say to pick up ink for the printer? Sorry, the phone is cutting out.
(Apa tadi? Bisakah kamu mengulanginya? Apakah kamu mengatakan untuk mengambil tinta untuk printer? Maaf, telepon terputus.)
STEPHANIE: Can you hear me now? No, I need more computer paper. Listen, I’ll text you exactly what I need. Thanks, Luke. Talk to you later.
(Dapatkah kamu mendengar sekarang? Saya perlu kertas komputer lebih banyak lagi. Aku kirim SMS yang aku butuhkan. Terima kasih, Luke. Nanti bicara lagi.)
LUKE: Thanks, Stephanie. Sorry, my phone has really bad reception here.
(Terima kasih, Stephanie. Maaf, sinyalnya jelek di sini.)

MEG: Well, hello there, Julia! Long time no see!
(Halo Julia! Lama tidak bertemu!)
JULIA: Meg! Hi! What a coincidence! I haven’t seen you in ages! What are you doing here?
(Meg! Hai! Kebetulan sekali! Saya sudah lama tidak melihat kamu! Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?)
MEG: I just got a new job in the city, so I’m shopping for some clothes. Hey, what do you think of this shirt?
(Aku baru saja mendapat pekerjaan baru di kota, jadi aku belanja pakaian. Hei, apa pendapatmu tentang baju ini?)
JULIA: Hmmm … well, you know how much I love blue. See? I’ve got the same shirt!
(Hmmm …, Kamu tahu betapa aku suka warna biru. Lihat? Saya punya baju yang sama!)
MEG: You always did have good taste! What a small world.
(Kamu selalu memiliki selera yang bagus! Dunia yang kecil.)

Weather Report
JENNIFER: It’s freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought this cold front was supposed to pass.
(Dingin di luar! Bagaimana laporan cuacanya? Aku pikir cold front ini seharusnya sudah lewat.)
GABRIELA: Yeah, I thought so too. That’s what I read online this morning.
(Ya, aku pikir juga begitu. Saya baca lewat online pagi ini.)
JENNIFER: I guess the wind chill is really driving down the temperature.
(Aku kira angin dingin benar-benar menurunkan suhu.)
GABRIELA: Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go numb.
(Bisakah kita masuk ke dalam? Aku merasa jari kaki saya mulai mati rasa.)


English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z