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Listening: Visiting Museum Dialog

Vsiting Museum Dialog
Guard: May I help you, sir?
(Ada yang bisa saya bantu, Pak?)
Visitor: Is the museum closed?
(Apakah museumnya tutup?)
Guard: Yes, it is.
(Ya, sudah tutup)
Visitor: Ah that is too bad. May I know operation hours for the museum?
(Ah sayang sekali. Boleh saya tahu jam operasi museumnya?)
Guard: It is open Thursday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.
(Museumnya buka setiap hari Selasa sampai hari Sabtu dari pukul 10 pagi sampai pukul 4 sore)
Visitor: All right, thank you. I will be back tomorrow.
(Baik, terima kasih. Saya akan kembali lagi besok)

Visiting Museum – Dialog 2
Museum: Good morning. Welcome to Z Museum.
(Selamat pagi. Selamat datang di Museum Z)
Anna: Good morning. I would like one ticket, please.
(Selamat pagi. Saya ingin satu tiket)
Museum: Do you have student card? There is a student discount if you show me your student card.
(Apakah Anda punya kartu tanda pelajar? Ada diskon pelajar jika Anda menunjukkan kartu pelajar Anda)
Anna: Sure, wait a minute. Here it is.
(Tentu saja, tunggu sebentar. Ini kartunya)
Museum: All right, do you need a guide?
(Baik. Apakah Anda butuh pemandu?)
Anna: Will there be any extra charge for it?
(Apakah ada biaya tambahan untuk itu?)
Museum: Yes, you will only need to pay $2 for a guide since you are a student.
(Ya, Anda hanya harus membayar $2 saja untuk pemandu karena Anda adalah pelajar)
Anna: Well, thank you, but I think I will explore the museum myself.
(Terima kasih, tetapi saya pikir saya akan menjelajahi museumnya sendiri saja)
Museum: All right, that will be $10.
(Baik, total semuanya menjadi $10)
Anna: Here is the money.
(Ini uangnya)
Museum: Thank you. Enjoy your visit!
(Terima kasih. Selamat menikmati kunjungan Anda)

Visiting Museum – Dialog 3
Brandon: Hi, how much is the entrance fee for the museum?
(Hai, berapa biaya masuk untuk museumnya?)
Museum: There is no entrance fee, but you can make a donation.
(Tidak ada biaya masuk, tetapi Anda bisa bayar donasi saja)
Brandon: Where can I make the donation?
(Di mana saya bisa bayar donasinya?)
Museum: You can put the donation in this box.
(Anda bisa memasukkan donasinya ke dalam kotak ini)
Brandon: Oh, thank you. May I take pictures in the museum?
(Bolehkah saya mengambil foto di dalam museumnya?)
Museum: Yes, you can, but you are not allowed to use flash to take pictures. You are also not allowed to bring food and drink inside the museum.
(Ya, boleh, tetapi Anda tidak boleh menggunakan flash saat mengambil foto. Anda juga tidak boleh membawa makanan dan minuman ke dalam museum.)
Brandon: Okay. Is there a gift shop?
(Oke. Apakah ada toko souvenir?)
Museum: Yes, it is next to the bar.
(Ya, letaknya ada di sebelah bar)
Brandon: Thanks.
(Terima kasih)
Museum: Enjoy your visit!
(Selamat menikmati kunjungan Anda)

Visiting Museum – Dialog 4
Visitor: Excuse me!
Guide: Yes?
Visitor: Could you please tell me where I can find the dinosaurs artifacts?
(Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya di mana saya bisa menemukan artifak dinosaurus?)
Guide: It is at the west wing on the third floor.
(Ada di sayap barat di lantai tiga)
Visitor: Thank you. This museum is large. It is kind of difficult to find everything.
(Terima kasih. Museum ini besar. Agak susah untuk mencari semuanya)
Guide: There is a floor plan near the stairs at every floor. You can check it in case you are lost.
(Ada denah dekat tangga di setiap lantai. Anda bisa memeriksanya jika Anda tersesat)
Visitor: I will check it often. Thank you.
(Saya akan sering memeriksanya. Terima kasih)
Guide: Do you have a booklet guide to the museum?
(Apakah Anda memiliki buklet pemandu museum?)
Visitor: No, I don’t.
(Tidak punya)
Guide: Here is one for you. It will guide you during your visit.
(Ini satu untuk Anda. Itu akan memandu Anda selama kunjungan Anda)
Visitor: Thanks. One more question… May I know why the visitors cannot enter the technological artifacts on the second floor?
(Terima kasih. Satu pertanyaan lagi… Boleh saya tahu mengapa pengunjung tidak boleh masuk ke artifak teknologi di lantai dua?)
Guide: It is under construction.
(Itu sedang diperbaiki)
Visitor: That is too bad. I really want to see the collections. Anyway, thanks for your assistance.
(Sayang sekali. Saya ingin sekali melihat koleksinya. Ngomong-ngomong, terima kasih atas bantuan Anda)
Guide: It is my pleasure.
(Dengan senang hati)

Visiting Museum – Dialog 5
John: Hi James.. Have you ever visited the Art Museum?
(Halo James… Sudahkan kamu pergi ke Art Museum?)
James: Never. Where is that place?
(Belum pernah. Di manakah itu?)
John: At Central Jakarta..Let’s go there tomorrow..
(Di jakarta pusat. Ayo pergi besok.)
James: Is there an entrance fee?
(Apakah ada biaya masuknya?)
John: Yeah.. I think $2 a person.
(Ya.. Kayaknya $2)
James: Sounds good. What exhibitions are on display at the moment?
(Okelah. Ada pameran apa saja sekarang?)
John: Many. I would like to visit Raden Saleh’s Collections. There are many famous paintings painted by Raden Saleh.
(Banyak. Aku ingin mengunjungi koleksi Raden Saleh. Ada banyak lukisan terkenal karya Raden Saleh)
James: Great. Let’s go there tomorrow..
(Siap.. Kita pergi besok)
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z