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Perbedaan Necessity, Expectation, dan Obligation

Dalam artikel kali ini, kita akan mengulas tiga kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang kerap beririsan makna namun sebenarnya berbeda.

Seperti biasa, nantinya dalam artikel akan diulas definisi dari setiap kata lengkap dengan contohnya dalam dialog.

Ketiga kata tersebut adalah:


Setiap kata di atas memiliki makna yang berbeda namun dengan satu benang merah yang sama, yaitu terkait dengan konteks kebutuhan. Mari kita mulai membahasnya satu persatu.

Memahami “Necessity”

Necessity adalah kata benda atau noun dalam bahasa Inggris yang jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti “kebutuhan”atau “keperluan”.

Definisinya adalah:

  • The fact of being required or indispensable
  • An indispensable thing
  • The quality or state of being necessary
  • A pressure of circumstance
  • An urgent need or desire

Contoh penggunaan kata necessity dalam kalimat adalah:

  • Without a car, living close to work is a necessity.
  • All we took with us on our hiking trip were the bare necessities.
  • Food, clothes, and other basic necessities are located on that table.
  • When his father collapsed, an ambulance became a necessity.

Sementara contoh dalam konteks kalimat scientific bisa disimak pada kalimat-kalimat berikut ini:

  • Reports of maulings, allergic reactions, faked medical necessity forms and other abuses have poisoned the environment for responsible travelers who legitimately need service animals. (Washington Post, 16 Mei 2018)
  • Traci Plaisance, on the other hand, had a tool chest full of skills, lessons learned out of necessity post-Katrina. (, 15 Mei 2018)
  • Be prepared for bushwhacking, road walking, scrambling, and various networks of unsigned forest roads through grizzly country – this makes navigation tools, bear spray, and mountaineering skills necessities (Outside Online, 14 Mei 2018)
  • On top of that, women in 36 states in the US also pay a tax on tampons and pads, even though the products are necessities, and non-essential basics like lip balm aren’t taxed. (Glamour, 7 Mei 2018)
  • On purely instrumental terms, guitarist Adam Moezinia did much of the heavy lifting here, a necessity in light of Cole’s stripped-down pianis. (, 11 Mei 2018)

Memahami “Expectation

Berikutnya adalah kata expectation, yang bisa diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia sebagai “ekspektasi”.

Dalam kamus definisinya adalah:

  • The act or state of expecting
  • A belief that something will happen or is likely to happen
  • A feeling or belief about how successful, good, someone or something will be

Contohnya dalam kalimat di antaranya:

  • I saved the files in the expectation that they would be useful in the future.
  • There is widespread expectation that the strike will be settled soon.
  • The crowd waited in expectation of her arrival.

Untuk lebih melihat konteks penggunakan kata expectation di cakupan lebih besar, berikut beberapa kutipan dari media:

  • Oil prices hit 3 ½ – year highs this week amid expectations that renewed US economic sanctions will squeeze Iran’s oil supply and escalate regional tensions that have the potential to further limit the flow of crude. (Wall Street Journal, 11 Mei 2018)
  • When chamber music moves from the parlor into concert hall, along with it come professional expectations (, 12 Mei 2018)
  • After the early-season win, expectations tipping Gerardo Martino to emulate the late Tito Vilanova’s success from the previous year soared, although Atletico Madrid would eventually go on and pip them to the silverware. (, 12 Mei 2018)

Memahami “Obligation”

Kata ketiga yang juga tak kalah menarik dibahas adalah “obligation”, yang dalam bahasa Indonesia bisa dipahami sebagai “kewajiban”.

Definisi dari obligation adalah:

  • Something that obligates one to a course of action
  • Something is bound to do
  • A debt of gratitude

Contoh penggunaan kata obligation dalam kalimat adalah:

  • He argues that people in a community have certain obligations to each other.
  • She failed to fulfill her obligations as a parent.

Sementara contohnya dalam tulisan media:

  • Iran is committed to its own obligations and the US is not, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said. (Fortune, 8 Mei 2018)
  • Making medicinal marijuana available should come with certain obligations and mandates, just as with any other medicine. (CNN, 24 April 2018)

Contoh Dialog dengan Ketiga Kata

Nah, setelah memahami setiap kata lengkap dengan contohnya dalam kalimat biasa dan kalimat scientific di media, kini ketiganya akan digabung dalam sebuah dialog untuk memperjelas perbedaannya:

A: “Our holiday will start next Sunday. Can’t wait!”

B: “Yes, I have prepared all the necessities for our trip.”

A: “I hope the weather will be friendly to us.”

B: “Well you should lower your expectation so you won’t be disappointed if things are not happening the way you wanted it to be.”

A: “You are right. I should expect less and have fun with this trip!”

B: “Sure. Anyway, have you submit the obligations for the visa permit? Like the documents, photo, passport?”

A: “Yes, I have submitted the obligations completely yesterday.”

B: “That would be great. Let’s write down the check-list of our necessities, shall we?”

A: “Agree! Let’s just spare the necessities that we can use it together.”

B: “That will save a lot of space.”

A: “Yes! Anyway, after completing the payment for the travel agent, do we still have to pay for another thing?”

B: “Almost everything is done by our payment to the agent. But when we want to visit another place like Topkapi Palace, it is an obligation to pay money for the ticket.”

A: “I understand. Well I hope my expectation about this holiday will come true!”

B: “I hope so.”

Dialog di atas terjadi antara dua orang teman yang akan berangkat liburan ke Turki pekan depan.

Dalam dialog mereka, kata necessity, expectation, dan obligation diucapkan berkali-kali dalam istilah yang berbeda-beda. Jelas bukan sekarang apa makna dan kapan kata-kata tersebut perlu digunakan?

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z