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Percakapan Inggris antara Petugas Bank dan Nasabah

Satu lagi hal yang juga lazim dan hampir semua orang pernah lakukan adalah melakukan transaksi di bank.

Teknologi di era digital saat ini memudahkan setiap orang untuk melakukan transaksi finansial hanya lewat ponsel. Meski demikian, ada kalanya seseorang tetap harus pergi ke bank untuk melakukan transaksi tertentu. Lalu apa percakapan yang biasa terjadi antara petugas bank dan nasabah?

Dalam artikel kali ini kami telah merangkum beberapa contoh percakapan antara petugas bank dan nasabah saat sedang melakukan transaksi. Jenis transaksinya bisa beragam, mulai dari menabung, mengirim uang, bertanya layanan perbankan, membuka rekening baru, hingga menarik uang.

Bagaimana bentuk percakapannya? Langsung saja yuk, kita lihat beberapa contohnya. Percakapan akan terjadi antara B (Bank Officer/Teller) dan C (Customer/Nasabah).

Percakapan Saat Akan Menabung

Contoh 1:

B: “How are you doing?” (Apa kabar?)

C: “Great. Thanks for asking.” (Baik. Terima kasih sudah bertanya)

B: “What can I do for you today?” (Apa yang bisa saya bantu?)

C: “I would like to deposit some money.” (Saya ingin mendepositkan uang)

B: “Are you depositing cash or a check?” (Mau mendepositkan cash atau check?)

C: “I want to deposit cash.” (Mau mendepositkan cash)

B: “How much are you depositing?” (Berapa yang mau dideposit?)

C: “I would like to deposit $300.” (Mau deposit 300 dollar)

B: “What account do you want your money in?” (Mau dimasukkan ke rekening yang mana?)

C: “I want to deposit it into my checking account.” (Saya mau dimasukkan ke tabungan giro)

B: “Do you need anything else?” (Ada permintaan lainnya?)

C: “No. That’s all. Thank you.” (Sudah itu saja. Terima kasih)

Contoh 2:

B: “How are you?”  (Apa kabar?)

C: “I’m fantastic!” (Luar biasa!)

B: “What can I help you with?” (Ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

C: “I want to make a deposit today.” (Saya ingin menabung)

B: “How much do you want to deposit?” (Berapa yang mau ditabung?)

C: “I need to deposit $500.” (Saya mau menabung 500 dollar)

B: “What account will you be depositing this money into?” (Ditabung di rekening mana?)

C: “Deposit it into my saving account.” (Masukkan ke rekening tabungan saya)

Percakapan Saat Akan Menarik Uang

Contoh 1:

B: “How are you doing today?”

C: “Great. Thank you.”

B: “What can I do for you?”

C: “I need to withdraw some money.”

B: “How much would you like to take out?”

C: “I need to withdraw $300.”

B: “Which account would you like to take the money from?”

C: “I want to take it from my checking account.”

B: “Here you go.”

C: “Thank you very much.”

B: “Can I do anything else for you?”

C: “No. That will be all.”

Contoh 2:

C: “Excuse me. I want to get this cheque cashed.”

B: “Yes Sir, please sign on the back of your cheque.”

C: “OK. Here you are.”

B: “Just a minute, Sir.”

C: “I need thousand rupees notes only.”

B: “I am sorry. I have only five hundred rupees notes. If you can wait, I will get some thousand rupees notes as well.”

C: “Thanks! I won’t like to wait any longer. Five hundred rupees notes are alright with me.”

B: “Here is your cash, Sir. Please ensure that you have got exactly the right amount.”

C: “Thank you. I shall definitely count my money before I leave.”

B: “Thank you very much. Have a nice day, Sir.”

Percakapan Membuka Rekening Baru


C: “Hi, I need to open an account in your bank so could you please guide me for that?”

B: “Sure, Sir. I will be guiding you regarding the formalities to be completed for opening an account.”

C: “Let me know what all details are required for that.”

B: “You need to fill the form and submit the same at counter 5.”

C: “What all ID proofs do I need to submit?”

B: “You need to submit one hard copy each of your address proof and your electricity bill.”

C: “But the electricity bill is generated on my father’s name.”

B: “In that case, you can submit your license and your previous bank details.”

C: “Will my previous bank transaction statement work?”

B: “Yes, it will work.”

C: “And where I need to submit all my details?”

B: “At the same counter. You need to attach all these documents with the form.”

C: “How much cash I need to deposit at the time of opening an account?”

B: “You will have to deposit at least $100 at the time of account opening.”

C: “Will I get the debit card and the checkbook on the same date?”

B: “No it will take a week and it will be sent to the address mentioned in the form.”

C: “Okay, thank you so much.”

B: “You’re welcome.”

Di atas adalah beberapa contoh percakapan antara nasabah dengan petugas bank saat membicarakan tentang transaksi finansial. Akan berbeda lagi jika percakapan dilakukan lewat layanan telepon atau surat elektronik.

Biasanya dalam percakapan finansial dengan petugas bank, ada banyak detil yang harus diperhatikan seperti nominal uang dan tahapan apa saja yang harus dilakukan.

Contoh-contoh percakapan di atas telah mewakili beberapa transaksi perbankan seperti menabung, menarik uang, hingga membuka rekening tabungan yang baru. Semoga bermanfaat, ya!

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z