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Percakapan Seorang Polisi dan Saksi yang Melihat Kejadian

Salah satu tugas polisi adalah mewancarai saksi yang melihat kejadian di tkp. Saksi kadang ada yang tidak bisa berbahasa Indonesia. Beberapa contoh berikut adalah contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di kantor polisi, ketika polisi mewancarai saksi.

Dialog 1 – Robbery

Police: I need some information about the robbery. Would you give some help? (Saya butuh informasi tentang perampokan tadi. Apa Anda bersedia membantu?)

Alice: Yeah, sure. As long as I know about it. (Ya, pasti. Selama saya tahu.)

Police: Do you remember the time when the robber entered the bank? (Apa kamu ingat kapan perampoknya memasuki bank?)

Alice: I think it’s about 10.15 to 10.30. (Sepertinya sekitar pukul 10.15 sampai pukul 10.30.)

Police: How many people were there? (Ada berapa orang?)

Alice: There were four of them. (Mereka berempat.)

Police: Do you remember the appearance of the robbers? (Apa Anda ingat bagaimana penampilan para perampok itu?)

Alice: Yes. Two of them were tall while another one was shorter and the other one was the shortest among all of them and he was the fattest. I didn’t really see their face, but one of them had tats on his left arm. (Ya. Dua orang dari mereka bertubuh tinggi sedangkan yang satu lebih pendek dan yang lain paling pendek dari mereka berempat dan dia juga yang paling gemuk. Saya tidak melihat jelas wajah mereka, tapi salah satu dari mereka memiliki tato di lengan kirinya.)

Police: Which one had tats? (Yang mana yang punya tato?)

Alice: The short one. Not the shortest one, but the other one. (Yang pendek. Bukan yang paling pendek, yang satunya.)

Police: Okay. What were they wearing? (Pakaian apa yang mereka pakai?)

Alice: All of them wore black clothes, caps and jeans. Two of them wore masks while the one with tats wore sunglasses and the fat one wore mask that cover all of his head. (Semuanya memakai baju, topi dan celana jins hitam. Dua dari mereka memakai masker sementara yang memiliki tato memakai kacamata hitam dan yang gemuk memakai masker yang menutupi seluruh kepalanya.)

Police: Did they have guns or something? (Apa mereka memiliki senjata atau lainnya?)

Alice: Yes, all of them had guns to threaten us and me. (Ya, mereka semua membawa senjata untuk mengancam kami.)

Police: Where did they take you? Did they hurt you? (Mereka membawa Anda ke mana? Apa mereka melukai Anda?)

Alice: They took me after they robbed like 9 sacks of money and dragged me outside until they went inside their van and left me by the street. (Mereka membawaku setelah merampok sekitar 9 karung uang dan menyeret saya keluar hingga mereka masuk ke van mereka dan meninggalkan saya di pinggir jalan.)

Police: Do you remember their plate number? (Apa Anda mengingat nomor plat mereka?)

Alice: No, I don’t. I was so panic that I forgot to see the number. I’m so sorry for losing such valuable information. (Tidak. Saya sangat panik sampai saya lupa melihat nomor plat mereka. Maaf sekali karena saya sudah menghilangkan informasi yang sangat penting.)

Police: That’s fine. Thank you for your help. (Tidak apa-apa. Terima kasih atas bantuannya.)

Dialog 2 – In front of the bank

Police: Hello, I’m conducting an investigation about the robbery. Would you provide some information about it? (Halo, saya melaksanakan penyelidikan tentang perampokan tadi. Apa Anda bersedia memberikan informasi tentangnya.)

Ben: I would like to provide any information I know. (Saya akan memberikan semua informasi yang saya tahu.)

Police: Great. During the robbery, where were you exactly? (Baik. Selama perampokan, Anda berada di mana?)

Ben: I was walking right in front of the bank when the event occurred. (Saya sedang berjalan di depan bank ketika kejadian itu terjadi.)

Police: What did you see? (Apa yang Anda lihat.)

Ben: I saw there were some men wearing black clothes and a yellow van waiting outside. I think there was one waiting in the van. They did it very quick. (Aku melihat ada beberapa pria mengenakan pakaian hitam dan van kuning menunggu di luar. Sepertinya ada satu orang menunggu dalam van. Mereka melakukan perampokan itu dengan sangat cepat.)

Police: Did they bring guns? (Apakah mereka membawa senjata?)

Ben: Yes, I saw three of them bringing guns, especially the man making a woman a hostage. (Ya, saya melihat tiga dari mereka membawa senjata, terutama pria yang menyandera seorang wanita.)

Police: How many were they? (Mereka ada berapa?)

Ben: I thought they were 5 men with 1 man waiting in the van. (Sepertinya ada 5 orang dan 1 orang menunggu di dalam van.)

Police: Did you see the plate number? (Apa Anda melihat nomor platnya?)

Ben: I believe it’s DAM57N98. (Saya yakin nomornya DAM57N98.)

Police: Thank you. (Terima kasih.)

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z