Sentences: Apa itu Run-On Sentence?
Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang run-on sentence? Run-on sentence atau fused sentence merupakan sebuah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih independent clause tapi tidak terhubung dengan tepat. Maka, harus dilakukan perbaikan pada struktur kalimatnya agar pembaca lebih mudah memahami maksudnya.
Sebelum masuk ke dalam materi run-on sentence, mari membahas sedikit tentang independent clause. Independent clause merupakan inti kalimat atau klausa yang bisa berdiri sendiri sebab sudah mengandung suatu pemikiran utuh. Independent clause terdiri dari setidaknya subyek dan predikat, lalu diikuti dengan komplemen.
Contoh independent clause:
I hate reading books (Aku benci baca buku)
Diana loves collecting stamps (Diana senang mengoleksi perangko)
Masing-masing dari kalimat di atas merupakan contoh independent clause yang sama-sama berisi kata kerja utama dan mengandung pemikiran utuh.
Contoh run-on sentence adalah ketika keduanya (independent clause) disatukan dalam satu kalimat tanpa penghubung yang benar.
I hate reading books Diana loves collecting stamp.
Sekilas, tampaknya tidak ada yang salah dari kalimat tersebut. Namun sebab masing-masing merupakan independent clause, aturan yang berlaku adalah: tidak boleh menggunakan tanda baca koma saja untuk memisahkan keduanya.
Cara Menggabungkan Dua Independent Clause
Adapun cara yang benar untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause dalam run-on sentence ada tiga, yakni:
- Menggunakan coordinate conjunction (or, nor, and, so, but, yet), conjunctive adverb (also, anyway, however, besides, instead, meanwhile, etc), atau semicolon (titik koma “;”)
- Dipisah dengan full stop (titik “.”)
- Mengubah salah satu independent clause menjadi dependent clause dengan cara meletakkan subordinate conjunction (because, since, as, after, that, etc) di depannya.
Maka, untuk membenahi run-on sentence di atas, kita bisa mengubahnya menjadi:
I hate reading books, and Diana loves collecting stamp.
I hate reading books, meanwhile Diana loves collecting stamp.
I hate reading books; Diana loves collecting stamp.
I hate reading books. Diana loves collecting stamp.
As I hate reading books, Diana loves collecting stamp.
Comma Splice
Ketika dalam sebuah kalimat dua independent clause hanya dihubungkan oleh tanda koma, maka kalimat tersebut merupakan run-on sentence yang disebut dengan comma-splice.
Dan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause dalam satu kalimat dengan tanda koma harus diikuti dengan conjunction.
The sun is high, put on some sunscreen (wrong)
The sun is high, so put on some sunscreen (right)
Kapan Run-on Sentence dipakai?
Run-on sentence biasa terjadi dalam kondisi berikut:
1. Ketika independent clause menyatakan perintah berdasarkan apa yang disebutkan dalam independent clause sebelumnya.
“It’s really cold, wear your coat.”
“It’s really cold. Wear your coat.” atau
“It’s really cold; wear your coat.”
2. Ketika dua independent clause dihubungkan oleh conjunctive adverb atau kata transisi seperti however, moreover, nevertheless.
“Mr. Andy has just lost his wife in an accident, however, he tries to look b in front of the students.”
“Mr. Andy has just lost his wife in an accident. However, he tries to look b in front of the students.”
“Mr. Andy has just lost his wife in an accident; however, he tries to look b in front of the students.”
3. Ketika independent clause yang kedua memiliki pronoun yang merujuk pada subject dalam independent clause yang pertama.
“This computer doesn’t make sense to me, it came without a manual.”
“This computer doesn’t make sense to me. It came without a manual.”
“This computer doesn’t make sense to me; it came without a manual.”
Dalam memilih coordinating conjunction untuk memperbaiki run-on sentence, perhatikanlah fungsinya terlebih dahulu.
- For menjelaskan alasan, sebab atau tujuan.
“I am mad, for it’s really annoying.” (Saya marah sebab itu sangat menyebalkan)
- And digunakan untuk menambahkan suatu hal ke hal lainnya.
“I like baking cookies, and my sister loves eating them.” (Saya suka memanggang kue, dan adik perempuanku senang memakannya)
- Nor digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pernyataan negatif.
“I never like horror movies, nor will I watch them.” (Saya tidak pernah suka film horor, atau akan menontonnya)
- But menunjukan keadaan kontras atau pertentangan.
“Sania bought her brother a new pair of shoes, but he didn’t like the color.” (Sania membelikan saudara laki-lakinya sepasang sepatu baru, tetapi dia tidak menyukai warnanya)
- Or menunjukan pilihan.
“Open the door, or I will call the cop.” (Buka pintunya, atau saya akan panggil polisi)
- Yet menunjukan keadaan kontras.
“The movie is short, yet it’s really inspiring.” (Filmnya pendek, namun sangat menginspirasi)
- So menunjukan dampak atau akibat.
“It’s rainy, so take the umbrella!” (Sedang hujan, maka ambillah payungnya!)
Latihan Soal
Correct each run-on sentence.
- We went to Amanda’s wedding over 500 people were invited.
- While reading an article about new sport cars, I fell asleep I dreamed that I was driving one of them on the highway.
- Adam was not feeling well his mother took him to the doctor’s office.
- My cat Downey loves to nap on warm appliances when he sleeps on top of the television, his tail swipes the screen like a windshield wiper.
- In preparation for the quiz Alisa studied comma splices and fused sentences until she thought her brain would burst, finally, she put away her notes convinced that she would remember the rules even on her death bed.
1. We went to Amanda’s wedding; over 500 people were invited. (or)
We went to Amanda’s wedding, and over 500 people were invited.
2. While reading an article about new sport cars, I fell asleep. I dreamed that I was driving one of them on the highway. (or)
While reading an article about new sport cars, I fell asleep and dreamed that I was driving one of them on the highway.
3. Adam was not feeling well, so his mother took him to the doctor’s office
4. My cat Downey loves to nap on warm appliances. When he sleeps on top of the television, his tail swipes the screen like a windshield wiper.
5. In preparation for the quiz, Alisa studied comma splices and fused sentences until she thought her brain would burst. Finally, she put away her notes; convinced that she would remember the rules even on her death bed.