English to English

noun (n)
- the context and environment in which something is set(noun.location)Example:
The perfect setting for a ghost story.
source: wordnet30 - the state of the environment in which a situation exists(noun.state)Example:
You can't do that in a university setting.
source: wordnet30 - arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted(noun.artifact)source: wordnet30
- the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event(noun.state)source: wordnet30
- the physical position of something(noun.location)Example:
He changed the setting on the thermostat.
source: wordnet30 - a table service for one person(noun.artifact)Example:
A place setting of sterling flatware.
source: wordnet30 - a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place(noun.artifact)source: wordnet30
- The act of one who, or that which, sets; as, the setting of type, or of gems; the setting of the sun; the setting (hardening) of moist plaster of Paris; the setting (set) of a current.(noun)source: webster1913