English to English
verb (v)
- experience (emotional) pain(verb.emotion)Example:
Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers.
source: wordnet30 - feel unwell or uncomfortable(verb.body)Example:
She is suffering from the hot weather.
source: wordnet30 - be given to(verb.stative)Example:
She suffers from a tendency to talk too much.
source: wordnet30 - be set at a disadvantage(verb.change)Example:
This author really suffers in translation.
source: wordnet30 - To feel, or endure, with pain, annoyance, etc.; to submit to with distress or grief; to undergo; as, to suffer pain of body, or grief of mind.(verb)source: webster1913
- To feel or undergo pain of body or mind; to bear what is inconvenient; as, we suffer from pain, sickness, or sorrow; we suffer with anxiety.(verb)source: webster1913