English to English

noun (n)
- the organic process of bearing flowers(noun.process)Example:
You will stop all bloom if you let the flowers go to seed.
source: wordnet30 - A blossom; the flower of a plant; an expanded bud; flowers, collectively.(noun)source: webster1913
- A mass of wrought iron from the Catalan forge or from the puddling furnace, deprived of its dross, and shaped usually in the form of an oblong block by shingling.(noun)source: webster1913
verb (v)
- produce or yield flowers(verb.change)Example:
The cherry tree bloomed.
source: wordnet30 - To produce or yield blossoms; to blossom; to flower or be in flower.(verb)source: webster1913
- To cause to blossom; to make flourish.(verb)source: webster1913