English to English
adjective (a)
- emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts(adj.all)Example:
The sun was bright and hot.
A bright sunlit room.
source: wordnet30 - Radiating or reflecting light; shedding or having much light; shining; luminous; not dark.(adjective)source: webster1913
noun (n)
- Splendor; brightness.(noun)source: webster1913
adverb (r)
- with brightness(adv.all)Example:
The windows glowed jewel bright.
source: wordnet30 - Brightly.(adverb)source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- characterized by quickness and ease in learning(adj.all)Example:
Some children are brighter in one subject than another.
source: wordnet30 - having lots of light either natural or artificial(adj.all)Example:
The room was bright and airy.
A stage bright with spotlights.
source: wordnet30 - splendid(adj.all)Example:
The bright stars of stage and screen.
A bright moment in history.
The bright pageantry of court.
source: wordnet30 - clear and sharp and ringing(adj.all)Example:
The bright sound of the trumpet section.
source: wordnet30 - characterized by happiness or gladness(adj.all)Example:
Bright faces.
All the world seems bright and gay.
source: wordnet30
verb (v)
- See Brite,
v. i. (verb)source: webster1913