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English to Indonesian

Search Query: yield

Best translation match:
English Indonesian

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English Indonesian
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Probably related with:
English Indonesian
angka-hasil; menghasilkan; mengalah; luluh; memberi hasil; hasil; pendapatan; penghasilan; beri; rambu; memberi; angka hasil; pendapatan yang; menyerah; dihasilkan;
rendemen; panenan;

May be synonymous with:
English English
yield; output
production of a certain amount Click for more details!
yield; issue; payoff; proceeds; return; take; takings
the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property Click for more details!
yield; fruit
an amount of a product Click for more details!
yield; output; production
the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time) Click for more details!
yield; afford; give
be the cause or source of Click for more details!
yield; give way
end resistance, as under pressure or force Click for more details!
yield; generate; give; render; return
give or supply Click for more details!
yield; cede; concede; grant
give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another Click for more details!
yield; relent; soften
give in, as to influence or pressure Click for more details!
yield; ease up; give; give way; move over
move in order to make room for someone for something Click for more details!
yield; give
cause to happen or be responsible for Click for more details!
yield; concede; grant
be willing to concede Click for more details!
yield; succumb
be fatally overwhelmed Click for more details!
yield; bear; pay
bring in Click for more details!
yield; buckle under; give in; knuckle under; succumb
consent reluctantly Click for more details!
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z