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Contoh Biografi Abdurrahman Wahid dalam Bahasa Inggris

Abdurrahman Wahid, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Gus Dur, lahir di Jombang, Jawa Timur. Ia adalah seorang tokoh penting dalam sejarah Indonesia.

Ia menjabat sebagai Presiden keempat Republik Indonesia dari tahun 1999 hingga 2001. Sebagai seorang pemimpin, Gus Dur dikenal karena pemikirannya yang progresif dan pendekatannya yang inklusif terhadap berbagai isu sosial dan politik.

Selain karier politiknya, ia juga merupakan seorang ulama dan aktivis yang berperan besar dalam memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia dan pluralisme di Indonesia.

Berikut adalah contoh biografi Gus Dur dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi.

Biography of Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)

Abdurrahman Wahid, commonly known as Gus Dur, served as the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia from October 20, 1999, until July 24, 2001.

He was born on August 4, 1940, in Denanyar village, Jombang, East Java.

Childhood and Education

Gus Dur was the first of six siblings.

His father, KH. Wahid Hasyim, was a founder of the prominent organization Nahdlatul Ulama, while his mother, Hj. Sholehah, was the daughter of the founder of the Denanyar Jombang Islamic boarding school, K.H. Bisri Syamsuri.

From a young age, Gus Dur had a passion for reading and frequently utilized his father’s personal library.

Interests and Hobbies

Gus Dur enjoyed reading, playing soccer, chess, and music.

He was even invited to be a football commentator on television.

Another of his interests was watching movies, which cultivated a deep appreciation for the world of film.

Education and Career

Gus Dur continued his studies in Egypt before returning to Jombang, where he chose to become a teacher.

In 1974, he joined the Faculty of Ushuluddin at the Tebu Ireng University in Jombang.

Three years later, he became the secretary of the Tebu Ireng Islamic boarding school and began to pursue his talents as a writer and columnist.

Political Career

In 1984, Gus Dur was elected as the chairman of PBNU at the 27th congress in Situbondo.

This position was reaffirmed at the 28th congress at the Krapyak Islamic boarding school in Yogyakarta (1989) and at the congress in Cipasung, West Java (1994).

In 1999, Gus Dur was elected as the 4th President of Indonesia.


During his presidency, many of Gus Dur’s thoughts were controversial, often differing from the opinions of many others.

He served as president until July 24, 2001.


Abdurrahman Wahid passed away at the age of 69 at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta.

Mr. Gus Dur: Profile and Achievements of the Fourth President of Indonesia

Gus Dur was the fourth President of Indonesia and played a significant role in the political changes in our country.

Youth and Education

Gus Dur was born on September 7, 1940, in Jombang, East Java.

His father, KH Wahid Hasyim, was a prominent Islamic figure and the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

Gus Dur grew up in a family environment rich in religious values and pluralism.

Cultural and Social Activities

Gus Dur was not only a cleric but also an intellectual actively involved in the fields of art and culture.

He participated in various cultural and social activities, such as establishing the Bengkel Theater in Yogyakarta.

Role in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

After returning from Egypt, Gus Dur became active in the management of NU.

He served as a young executive and was involved in various organizational activities.

In 1984, Gus Dur was elected as the General Chairman of NU, succeeding his father.

Role in the 1998 Reformation

During the New Order era under President Suharto, Gus Dur became a vocal critic of the authoritarian regime.

He supported the reform movement and was one of the key figures who played an important role in the political changes of 1998.

Elected as the Fourth President of Indonesia

After the fall of Suharto’s regime, Indonesia entered the reform era.

Gus Dur was elected as the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia in 1999 through a selection process conducted by the MPR (People’s Consultative Assembly).

Challenges and Legacy

Gus Dur’s presidency was not without various challenges, including ethnic conflicts, national security issues, and economic problems.

However, his policies left a significant impact on efforts to maintain interfaith tolerance, promote human rights, and strengthen democracy.

Final Years

In 2001, Gus Dur faced political pressure and ultimately resigned from his presidency.

After that, he remained active in various social and religious activities until he passed away on December 30, 2009.

Gus Dur’s legacy lives on in the spirit of tolerance, diversity, and the struggle to realize democracy in Indonesia.

He is honored as a humanitarian fighter, an intellectual, and a leader who cherished diversity within the framework of the Pancasila state.

Abdurrahman Wahid: A Leader with a Big Heart

Abdurrahman Wahid, affectionately known as Gus Dur, was born on August 4, 1940, in the small town of Jombang, Indonesia.

His family had a significant legacy; his father, KH Wahid Hasyim, was a co-founder of the prominent Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), and his mother, Hj Sholehah, hailed from a respected family with strong ties to NU.

Early Aspirations and Education

As a child, Gus Dur dreamed of becoming a soldier.

However, when he needed glasses at the age of 14, he realized that joining the army was not an option.

Instead, he dedicated himself to his studies, attending schools in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, where he focused on economics and religion.

Journey to Knowledge

Gus Dur’s passion for learning took him on a spiritual journey.

After completing his education, he traveled to Mecca, a sacred city in Saudi Arabia, to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

Following that, he studied at a university in Egypt, where he met his future wife, Siti Nuriah.

The couple married and welcomed four daughters into their family.

A Global Explorer

Gus Dur was an adventurer at heart.

After his time in Egypt, he journeyed to Iraq to study religion and literature, and he traveled extensively throughout Europe, sharing ideas and gaining new perspectives.

Eventually, he returned to Indonesia, where he became a university lecturer, teaching religion and theology in his hometown.

Leadership and Advocacy

Not only was Gus Dur a dedicated teacher, but he also emerged as a prominent leader.

He became the head of NU and tirelessly worked to unite people across different religions and backgrounds.

He firmly believed in democracy and advocated for human rights for all.

Known for his big heart, Gus Dur was open-minded and willing to listen to diverse viewpoints, even those that differed from his own.

Bold Actions and Legacy

Gus Dur’s leadership was marked by many surprising actions.

For instance, he proposed a new greeting to replace the traditional “assalamu’alaikum.” He also made headlines by visiting Israel during a time of widespread discontent, advocating for friendship between Indonesia and Israel.

His courage to embrace unconventional approaches set him apart as a transformative leader.

Gus Dur passed away in 2009, but his legacy of love, respect, and unity continues to resonate.

He taught us the importance of listening to others and collaborating to create a better world.

English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z