Puisi Karya Victor Hugo (Poem by Victor Hugo)
Victor Marie Hugo adalah seorang penulis yang menulis puisi, novel, dan drama; yang hidup pada abad 19 di Perancis. Dia adalah seorang penulis yang ternama dan terkenal dari perancis.
Novel tulisan Victor Hugo yang terkenal antara lain Les Misérables dan The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame de Paris) . Sedang kumpulan puisinya yang terkenal antara lainLes Contemplations (The Contemplations) dan La Légende des siècles (The Legend of the Ages).
Berikut adalah beberapa puisi ciptaan Victor Hugo, yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.
The Girl Of Otaheite
Forget? Can I forget the scented breath
Of breezes, sighing of thee, in mine ear;
The strange awaking from a dream of death,
The sudden thrill to find thee coming near?
Our huts were desolate, and far away
I heard thee calling me throughout the day,
No one had seen thee pass,
Trembling I came. Alas!
Can I forget?Once I was beautiful; my maiden charms
Died with the grief that from my bosom fell.
Ah! weary traveller! rest in my loving arms!
Let there be no regrets and no farewell!
Here of thy mother sweet, where waters flow,
Here of thy fatherland we whispered low;
Here, music, praise, and prayer
Filled the glad summer air.
Can I forget?Forget? My dear old home must I forget?
And wander forth and hear my people weep,
Far from the woods where, when the sun has set,
Fearless but weary to thy arms I creep;
Far from lush flow’rets and the palm-tree’s moan
I could not live. Here let me rest alone!
Go! I must follow nigh,
With thee I’m doomed to die,
Never forget!
The Morning of Life
The mist of the morning is torn by the peaks,
Old towers gleam white in the ray,
And already the glory so joyously seeks
The lark that’s saluting the day.Then smile away, man, at the heavens so fair,
Though, were you swept hence in the night,
From your dark, lonely tomb the owlets would stare
At the sun rising newly as bright.But out of earth’s trammels your soul would have flown
Where glitters Eternity’s stream,
And you shall have waked ‘midst pure glories unknown,
As sunshine disperses a dream.
Beloved Name
The lily’s perfume pure, fame’s crown of light,
The latest murmur of departing day,
Fond friendship’s plaint, that melts at piteous sight,
The mystic farewell of each hour at flight,
The kiss which beauty grants with coy delay,—The sevenfold scarf that parting storms bestow
As trophy to the proud, triumphant sun;
The thrilling accent of a voice we know,
The love-enthralled maiden’s secret vow,
An infant’s dream, ere life’s first sands be run,—The chant of distant choirs, the morning’s sigh,
Which erst inspired the fabled Memnon’s frame,—
The melodies that, hummed, so trembling die,—
The sweetest gems that ‘mid thought’s treasures lie,
Have naught of sweetness that can match HER NAME!Low be its utterance, like a prayer divine,
Yet in each warbled song be heard the sound;
Be it the light in darksome fanes to shine,
The sacred word which at some hidden shrine,
The selfsame voice forever makes resound!O friends! ere yet, in living strains of flame,
My muse, bewildered in her circlings wide,
With names the vaunting lips of pride proclaim,
Shall dare to blend the one, the purer name,
Which love a treasure in my breast doth hide,—Must the wild lay my faithful harp can sing,
Be like the hymns which mortals, kneeling, hear;
To solemn harmonies attuned the string,
As, music show’ring from his viewless wing,
On heavenly airs some angel hovered near.
The Grandmother
“To die—to sleep.”—SHAKESPEARE.
Still asleep! We have been since the noon thus alone.
Oh, the hours we have ceased to number!
Wake, grandmother!—speechless say why thou art grown.
Then, thy lips are so cold!—the Madonna of stone
Is like thee in thy holy slumber.
We have watched thee in sleep, we have watched thee at prayer,
But what can now betide thee?
Like thy hours of repose all thy orisons were,
And thy lips would still murmur a blessing whene’er
Thy children stood beside thee.Now thine eye is unclosed, and thy forehead is bent
O’er the hearth, where ashes smoulder;
And behold, the watch-lamp will be speedily spent.
Art thou vexed? have we done aught amiss? Oh, relent!
But—parent, thy hands grow colder!
Say, with ours wilt thou let us rekindle in thine
The glow that has departed?
Wilt thou sing us some song of the days of lang syne?
Wilt thou tell us some tale, from those volumes divine,
Of the brave and noble-hearted?Of the dragon who, crouching in forest green glen,
Lies in wait for the unwary—
Of the maid who was freed by her knight from the den
Of the ogre, whose club was uplifted, but then
Turned aside by the wand of a fairy?
Wilt thou teach us spell-words that protect from all harm,
And thoughts of evil banish?
What goblins the sign of the cross may disarm?
What saint it is good to invoke? and what charm
Can make the demon vanish?Or unfold to our gaze thy most wonderful book,
So feared by hell and Satan;
At its hermits and martyrs in gold let us look,
At the virgins, and bishops with pastoral crook,
And the hymns and the prayers in Latin.
Oft with legends of angels, who watch o’er the young,
Thy voice was wont to gladden;
Have thy lips yet no language—no wisdom thy tongue?
Oh, see! the light wavers, and sinking, bath flung
On the wall forms that sadden.Wake! awake! evil spirits perhaps may presume
To haunt thy holy dwelling;
Pale ghosts are, perhaps, stealing into the room—
Oh, would that the lamp were relit! with the gloom
These fearful thoughts dispelling.
Thou hast told us our parents lie sleeping beneath
The grass, in a churchyard lonely:
Now, thine eyes have no motion, thy mouth has no breath,
And thy limbs are all rigid! Oh, say, Is this death,
Or thy prayer or thy slumber only?ENVOY.
Sad vigil they kept by that grandmother’s chair,
Kind angels hovered o’er them—
And the dead-bell was tolled in the hamlet—and there,
On the following eve, knelt that innocent pair,
With the missal-book before them.
List to me, O Madelaine!
Now the snows have left the plain,
Which they warmly cloaked.
Come into the forest groves,
Where the notes that Echo loves
Are from horns evoked.Come! where Springtide, Madelaine,
Brings a sultry breath from Spain,
Giving buds their hue;
And, last night, to glad your eye,
Laid the floral marquetry,
Red and gold and blue.Would I were, O Madelaine,
As the lamb whose wool you train
Through your tender hands.
Would I were the bird that whirls
Round, and comes to peck your curls,
Happy in such bands.Were I e’en, O Madelaine,
Hermit whom the herd disdain
In his pious cell,
When your purest lips unfold
Sins which might to all be told,
As to him you tell.Would I were, O Madelaine,
Moth that murmurs ‘gainst your pane,
Peering at your rest,
As, so like its woolly wing,
Ceasing scarce its fluttering,
Heaves and sinks your breast.If you seek it, Madelaine,
You may wish, and not in vain,
For a serving host,
And your splendid hall of state
Shall be envied by the great,
O’er the Jew-King’s boast.If you name it, Madelaine,
Round your head no more you’ll train
Simple marguerites,
No! the coronet of peers,
Whom the queen herself oft fears,
And the monarch greets.
If you wish, O Madelaine!
Where you gaze you long shall reign—
For I’m ruler here!
I’m the lord who asks your hand
If you do not bid me stand
Loving shepherd here!
The Favorite Sultana
To please you, Jewess, jewel!
I have thinned my harem out!
Must every flirting of your fan
Presage a dying shout?Grace for the damsels tender
Who have fear to hear your laugh,
For seldom gladness gilds your lips
But blood you mean to quaff.In jealousy so zealous,
Never was there woman worse;
You’d have no roses but those grown
Above some buried corse.Am I not pinioned firmly?
Why be angered if the door
Repulses fifty suing maids
Who vainly there implore?Let them live on—to envy
My own empress of the world,
To whom all Stamboul like a dog
Lies at the slippers curled.To you my heroes lower
Those scarred ensigns none have cowed;
To you their turbans are depressed
That elsewhere march so proud.To you Bassora offers
Her respect, and Trebizonde
Her carpets richly wrought, and spice
And gems, of which you’re fond.To you the Cyprus temples
Dare not bar or close the doors;
For you the mighty Danube sends
The choicest of its stores.Fear you the Grecian maidens,
Pallid lilies of the isles?
Or the scorching-eyed sand-rover
From Baalbec’s massy piles?Compared with yours, oh, daughter
Of King Solomon the grand,
What are round ebon bosoms,
High brows from Hellas’ strand?You’re neither blanched nor blackened,
For your tint of olive’s clear;
Yours are lips of ripest cherry,
You are straight as Arab spear.Hence, launch no longer lightning
On these paltry slaves of ours.
Why should your flow of tears be matched
By their mean life-blood showers?Think only of our banquets
Brought and served by charming girls,
For beauties sultans must adorn
As dagger-hilts the pearls.
The Lover’s Wish
Oh! were I the leaf that the wind of the West,
His course through the forest uncaring;
To sleep on the gale or the wave’s placid breast
In a pendulous cradle is bearing.All fresh with the morn’s balmy kiss would I haste,
As the dewdrops upon me were glancing;
When Aurora sets out on the roseate waste,
And round her the breezes are dancing.On the pinions of air I would fly, I would rush
Thro’ the glens and the valleys to quiver;
Past the mountain ravine, past the grove’s dreamy hush,
And the murmuring fall of the river.By the darkening hollow and bramble-bush lane,
To catch the sweet breath of the roses;
Past the land would I speed, where the sand-driven plain
‘Neath the heat of the noonday reposes.Past the rocks that uprear their tall forms to the sky,
Whence the storm-fiend his anger is pouring;
Past lakes that lie dead, tho’ the tempest roll nigh,
And the turbulent whirlwind be roaring.On, on would I fly, till a charm stopped my way,
A charm that would lead to the bower;
Where the daughter of Araby sings to the day,
At the dawn and the vesper hour.Then hovering down on her brow would I light,
‘Midst her golden tresses entwining;
That gleam like the corn when the fields are bright,
And the sunbeams upon it shining.A single frail gem on her beautiful head,
I should sit in the golden glory;
And prouder I’d be than the diadem spread
Round the brow of kings famous in story.
My Napoleon
Above all others, everywhere I see
His image cold or burning!
My brain it thrills, and oftentime sets free
The thoughts within me yearning.
My quivering lips pour forth the words
That cluster in his name of glory—
The star gigantic with its rays of swords
Whose gleams irradiate all modern story.I see his finger pointing where the shell
Should fall to slay most rabble,
And save foul regicides; or strike the knell
Of weaklings ‘mid the tribunes’ babble.
A Consul then, o’er young but proud,
With midnight poring thinned, and sallow,
But dreams of Empire pierce the transient cloud,
And round pale face and lank locks form the halo.And soon the Caesar, with an eye a-flame
Whole nations’ contact urging
To gain his soldiers gold and fame
Oh, Sun on high emerging,
Whose dazzling lustre fired the hells
Embosomed in grim bronze, which, free, arose
To change five hundred thousand base-born Tells,
Into his host of half-a-million heroes!What! next a captive? Yea, and caged apart.
No weight of arms enfolded
Can crush the turmoil in that seething heart
Which Nature—not her journeymen—self-moulded.
Let sordid jailers vex their prize;
But only bends that brow to lightning,
As gazing from the seaward rock, his sighs
Cleave through the storm and haste where France looms bright’ning.Alone, but greater! Broke the sceptre, true!
Yet lingers still some power—
In tears of woe man’s metal may renew
The temper of high hour;
For, bating breath, e’er list the kings
The pinions clipped may grow! the Eagle
May burst, in frantic thirst for home, the rings
And rend the Bulldog, Fox, and Bear, and Beagle!And, lastly, grandest! ‘tween dark sea and here
Eternal brightness coming!
The eye so weary’s freshened with a tear
As rises distant drumming,
And wailing cheer—they pass the pale
His army mourns though still’s the end hid;
And from his war-stained cloak, he answers “Hail!”
And spurns the bed of gloom for throne aye-splendid!
The Watching Angel
In the dusky nook,
Near the altar laid,
Sleeps the child in shadow
Of his mother’s bed:
Softly he reposes,
And his lid of roses,
Closed to earth, uncloses
On the heaven o’erhead.Many a dream is with him,
Fresh from fairyland,
Spangled o’er with diamonds
Seems the ocean sand;
Suns are flaming there,
Troops of ladies fair
Souls of infants bear
In each charming hand.Oh, enchanting vision!
Lo, a rill upsprings,
And from out its bosom
Comes a voice that sings
Lovelier there appear
Sire and sisters dear,
While his mother near
Plumes her new-born wings.But a brighter vision
Yet his eyes behold;
Roses pied and lilies
Every path enfold;
Lakes delicious sleeping,
Silver fishes leaping,
Through the wavelets creeping
Up to reeds of gold.Slumber on, sweet infant,The sun set this evening in masses of cloud,
The storm comes to-morrow, then calm be the night,
Then the Dawn in her chariot refulgent and proud,
Then more nights, and still days, steps of Time in his flight.
The days shall pass rapid as swifts on the wing.
O’er the face of the hills, o’er the face of the seas,
O’er streamlets of silver, and forests that ring
With a dirge for the dead, chanted low by the breeze;
The face of the waters, the brow of the mounts
Deep scarred but not shrivelled, and woods tufted green,
Their youth shall renew; and the rocks to the founts
Shall yield what these yielded to ocean their queen.
But day by day bending still lower my head,
Still chilled in the sunlight, soon I shall have cast,
At height of the banquet, my lot with the dead,
Unmissed by creation aye joyous and vast.
Slumber peacefully
Thy young soul yet knows not
What thy lot may be.
Like dead weeds that sweep
O’er the dol’rous deep,
Thou art borne in sleep.
What is all to thee?Thou canst slumber by the way;
Thou hast learnt to borrow
Naught from study, naught from care;
The cold hand of sorrow
On thy brow unwrinkled yet,
Where young truth and candor sit,
Ne’er with rugged nail hath writ
That sad word, “To-morrow!”Innocent! thou sleepest—
See the angelic band,
Who foreknow the trials
That for man are planned;
Seeing him unarmed,
Unfearing, unalarmed,
With their tears have warmed
This unconscious hand.Still they, hovering o’er him,
Kiss him where he lies,
Hark, he sees them weeping,
“Gabriel!” he cries;
“Hush!” the angel says,
On his lip he lays
One finger, one displays
His native skies.
The sun set this evening in masses of cloud,
The storm comes to-morrow, then calm be the night,
Then the Dawn in her chariot refulgent and proud,
Then more nights, and still days, steps of Time in his flight.
The days shall pass rapid as swifts on the wing.
O’er the face of the hills, o’er the face of the seas,
O’er streamlets of silver, and forests that ring
With a dirge for the dead, chanted low by the breeze;
The face of the waters, the brow of the mounts
Deep scarred but not shrivelled, and woods tufted green,
Their youth shall renew; and the rocks to the founts
Shall yield what these yielded to ocean their queen.
But day by day bending still lower my head,
Still chilled in the sunlight, soon I shall have cast,
At height of the banquet, my lot with the dead,
Unmissed by creation aye joyous and vast.
Untuk puisi lain karya Victor Hugo, dapat diunduh di sini!