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Contoh Dialog Direction dalam Bahasa Inggris

Saat menjelajahi tempat baru, kita perlu tahu cara bertanya dan memberikan petunjuk arah suatu tempat.

Bila anda di kota baru tentunya dialog asking giving direction sangat diperlukan.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh dialog yang mungkin ada di kehidupan nyata tentang bertanya dan memberikan petunjuk arah.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang bisa jadikan kamu referensi.

Contoh Pertanyaan Menanyakan Jalan

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus station?

Could you please guide me to the train station?

Where is the closest grocery store from here?

Can you help me find the library?

Is there a restroom nearby?

What’s the best way to get to the airport?

How far is it to the city center from here?

Could you point me in the direction of the park?

Can you tell me if I’m on the right path to the museum?

Where can I find the nearest pharmacy?

Directions Vocabulary in English

In front of = di depan

At the end = di ujung

This way = jalan ini

Wrong way = salah jalan

Far from = jauh dari

Next to = di sebelah

Behind = di belakang

Across from = di seberang

Between = di antara

On the corner = di sudut

Near = dekat

Straight ahead = lurus ke depan

To the left = ke kiri

To the right = ke kanan

Take a U-turn = putar balik

Go past = lewati

Head towards = arahkan ke

Turn around = berputar

Follow the signs = ikuti tanda-tanda

At the traffic light = di lampu lalu lintas

Frasa Impertif dalam Petunjuk Jalan

Go Left = Pergi ke kiri

Go Right = Pergi ke kanan

Go Back = Kembali

Go Down = Turun

Go Up = Naik

Go Straight = Lurus

Turn Left = Belok kiri

Turn Right = Belok kanan

Turn Around = Putar balik

Go Past = Lewati

Walk Towards = Jalan menuju

Take the First Street = Ambil jalan pertama

Follow the Road = Ikuti jalan

Cross the Street = Menyeberang jalan

Head Towards the Park = Arahkan ke taman

Continue Straight = Lanjutkan lurus

Take the Exit = Ambil jalan keluar

Go Through the Tunnel = Lewati terowongan

Keep to the Right = Tetap di sebelah kanan

Follow the Signs = Ikuti tanda-tanda

Contoh Pertanyaan sepetura Asking Direction

Are we on the right road for the museum?

Can you show me on the map how to get to the station?

Is this the way to the nearest hospital?

How do I get to the library from here?

Can you tell me the best route to the airport?

Am I heading in the right direction for downtown?

Could you point out where I am on this map?

What’s the quickest way to reach the university?

Is there a shortcut to the park nearby?

Can you help me find my way to the shopping center?

Percakapan Turis Tersesat Mencari Jalan ke Hotel ABC

Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me?

Local: Sure! What’s the problem?

Tourist: I’m on vacation here, but I lost my tour guide. I need to get back to my hotel, Hotel ABC.

Local: That’s unfortunate! Don’t worry, I can help you find your way.

Tourist: Thank you! I really appreciate it.

Local: No problem! From here, walk straight down this road for about 400 meters.

Tourist: Okay, straight for 400 meters. Got it!

Local: Then, when you reach the traffic lights, turn right.

Tourist: Turn right at the traffic lights, understood.

Local: After that, continue walking for another 200 meters. Hotel ABC will be on your left.

Tourist: Great! I think I can remember that.

Local: Perfect! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Tourist: Thank you so much for your help! Local: You’re welcome! Enjoy your stay!

Penjelasan tentang Arah Jalan Menuju Rumah

My house is at Maple Street, 123, Springfield. You may go to my house by bus or by car.

First, if you are taking the bus, get off at the Springfield Central Station.

Next, walk straight down Main Street for about 200 meters.

After that, turn left onto Oak Avenue. Follow the road until you reach the traffic lights.

Then, turn right onto Pine Road. Continue straight for another 300 meters.

Finally, turn left onto Maple Street, and my house will be on your right at number 123. If you are driving, simply follow the same directions, and you will arrive at my house in no time!

Percakapan Pendatang Baru Menanyakan Stasiun Kereta

New Arriver: Excuse me! Hi there!

Local: Hello! Welcome! How can I help you today?

New Arriver: Thank you! I just moved here two weeks ago, and I’m still getting used to the area. Could you please tell me how to get to the train station?

Local: Of course! It can be a bit tricky at first, but I’m happy to help.

New Arriver: I appreciate it! I don’t want to get lost.

Local: No worries! First, head straight down this road for about 300 meters.

New Arriver: Got it, straight for 300 meters.

Local: Next, when you reach the roundabout, take the second exit to your left.

New Arriver: Second exit to the left, okay.

Local: After that, continue walking for another 200 meters, and you’ll see the train station on your right.

New Arriver: That sounds easy enough! Thank you so much!

Local: You’re welcome! It’s a pleasure to help. Enjoy your time here! New Arriver: I will! Have a great day!

Percakapan dengan Kata-kata Imperatif: Go Left · Go Right · Go Back · Go Down · Go Up/On · Go Turn · Go Straight

Tourist: Excuse me, could you help me find the library?

Local: Sure! I can help with that. First, go straight down this street.

Tourist: Go straight, got it!

Local: Next, when you reach the intersection, go left.

Tourist: Left at the intersection. What’s next?

Local: Then, go down that road until you see the park on your right.

Tourist: Go down the road to the park, understood.

Local: After the park, go right and continue walking for about 100 meters.

Tourist: Go right after the park, 100 meters. Got it!

Local: Finally, the library will be on your left, right next to the coffee shop.

Tourist: Perfect! So, go straight, turn left at the intersection, go down to the park, turn right, and the library will be on my left. Thank you so much!

Local: You’re welcome! Enjoy your visit to the library!

Perjalanan dari Rumah ke Sekolah

I live at XYZ Street, and here’s how I go to school.

First, I step out of my house and go straight down XYZ Street for about 200 meters.

Next, I turn right at the first intersection and continue walking for another 300 meters.

Then, I go left onto Maple Avenue.

After that, I keep walking straight until I reach the traffic lights.

Finally, I turn right at the traffic lights, and my school will be on the left side, just a short distance away.

It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school this way!

Perjalanan dari Rumah ke Kampus dengan Angkutan Umum

I live at XYZ Street, and here’s how I go to campus.

First, I walk to the nearest bus stop, which is just a five-minute walk from my house.

Next, I take the bus number 25 that comes every 15 minutes.

After getting on the bus, I sit down and enjoy the ride for about 20 minutes.

Then, I get off at the university stop, which is clearly marked.

Finally, I walk a short distance from the bus stop to the main entrance of the campus.

Overall, it takes me around 30 minutes to get to campus using public transport!

Paragraf Mendeskripsikan Perjalanan dari Rumah ke Sekolah

Every morning, I start my journey to school from my home on XYZ Street. First, I walk about five minutes to the nearest bus stop. Once I arrive at the bus stop, I wait for bus number 10, which comes every ten minutes. When the bus arrives, I board and find a seat by the window. The bus ride lasts approximately 25 minutes, taking me through several neighborhoods. I watch the scenery change as we pass parks and shops along the way. After that, I get off at the stop right in front of my school. From the bus stop, it’s just a short walk of about three minutes to the school entrance. In total, my journey takes around 35 minutes, and I enjoy the time spent on the bus, as it gives me a chance to relax before my classes begin.


English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Indonesian Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z